Sacrafices Are Hard

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Zuko looks out over the battle field with a look of contempt. His people were a terror on this world and Zhao was a large part of it. Tonight will be the last night that monster has.

Zuko had dawned his blue spirit master and suit with his duo swords strapped tightly to his back as he watches Zhao come to shore. The warriors of the water tribe charged him, powered by the moon, the fire navy was at it's weakest, his people were being killed needlessly just because Zhao wanted to be poetic and kill the moon spirit while the enemy was at it's strongest before ripping it all away from them.

Zuko follows along the path Zhao was heading on. He got the scroll from his uncle telling him Zhao was looking for the spirit oasis and knew where it was so Zuko just needed to find the perfect place to intercept him.

That moment came rather quickly as the warriors were so focused on the tanks they didn't notice Zhao and his legion sneak away from the battle.

Zhao came to a ice bridge and disembarked from his rhino to walk to rest of the way. Zuko glares through his mask at the man. He wishes he could use spinjitzu on Zhao, but it still looks too much like a firebenders move that it could give him away.

As Zhao reached the middle of the bridge Zuko jumps out from his hiding place and managed to nail Zhao in the ribs.

Oh that felt good

Zuko grins under the mask unsheathing his swords as Zhao got up and in a bending stance. The fire benders behind him ready themselves to shoot fire at Zuko, but he didn't have to worry about them.

"No, I got this," Zuko knew Zhao would do that. To prove himself a honourable man.

Zuko points his blades out and yells in a booming voice. "Zhao! You stand for crimes against the earth kingdom! Water tribe! And Fire nation! Surrender this foolish mission and receive your judgement!" Zuko orders.

Zhao's eyes widened recognizing the voice and he let out a laugh that sounded deranged to all who heard it.

"I knew it! Your so weak you use a non benders weapon? Your a disgrace to the fire nation!" Zhao taunts Zuko. In the past Zuko may have made a come back, done something foolish, but now he had more than his honour to defend.

"Soldiers of the fire nation do you know he plans to kill the moon spirit? Do you understand the consequences that will entail? What La will do to us?" Zuko asks them all.

The soldiers do not move and Zhao takes Zuko's moment of distraction and fired at him. Zuko moved swiftly dodging the flames and continued to talk to the soldiers.

"The moon keeps the tides in, our nation is made up of islands, without the Tue la will be free to bring forth wave after wave onto our shores. He shall wipe our islands off the face of the earth! He will erase us! Are you really ready to fight against the ocean itself!?" Zuko yells at them defending against Zhao's constant attacks.

"He's lying!" Zhao yelled blasting at Zuko who dodges again and swipes his blades at Zhao who uses his armour to block it.

"How could I lie? Do you want to risk it? We all know what the moon does keeping in the tides, but Zhao is too caught up in his supposed glory to do see what this will do to his own nation. You all are smarter than this fool! Tell me do you have children? Family? Brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, cousins, friends!? How many of them have died in this useless fighting!? How many have you seen sent to slaughter fighting a fight with no reward!? How many times have you seen killed!? Sent back ad husks of who they once were!? How many of our people shall die before it's our turn to die!?"

Now the soldiers were looking at each other, his words sinking in.

"Do not listen to him! He is a dishonourable traitor who hides behind a mask!" Zhao had a veins popping in his head.

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