The Deserter

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After Zuko had retained his wit he was immediately recognized by Chai. "Hey your that prince guy right?" He asks. Zuko looks at Chai and recognized him. "Your Chai, your the solve survivor of battalion twenty four after it was slaughtered during the six hundred day siege on Ba sing se's outer wall," Zuko said and Chai grimaces clearly not happy about a clearly traumatic reminder.

"Okay how do you seem to know everything? About everything?" Sokka asks him. "I had a extensive education," the prince replies briskly. "Okay how about we find a place to land and talk about this?"

No one questioned Nya's decision and they did just that.

Chai explained who he was and Zuko could not help making a few comments when he talked about Jeong Jeong the deserter. "He was from the colonies not the capital, he was also a admiral, and before he deserted he had exploded a battlion of ships killing two hundred soldiers, a hundred and four crew members, and twelve high ranking officials," Zuko recounts.

Chai glares at the prince. "He's a legend," "He also set a colony on fire which killed twenty four soldiers, fifteen grown adults, four children, and fatally wounded twelve citizens," Zuko recounted.

"It wasn't him who did that!" Chai defends his master. His loud yelling got the attention of some nearby swamp people and they were surrounded.

"Is it too late to go back to the colony?" Zuko mutters as they were lead to a camping ground of huts and such. "This is great isn't it?" "We are being lead to a man who is a slaughter!" Zuko hisses to him. "I'm with prince angsty teen here," Nya agrees and ignoring the glare said prince angsty teen sent her.

"I can have a firebending master with him," Aang said. Nya glares at him and Aang suddenly remembered about Kai. "You know, until Kai gets here," He mutters. "I think you have a better chance with Zhao teaching you," Sokka mutters. "I wouldn't even joke about that, if anyone in his crew is better than him he burns their hands off. There's no proof he does do it, but," Zuko left it at that.

They came to the camp and Chai went to talk with Jeong Jeong saying what a great master he was. They were then herded into a tent and told to stay there.

"Well..... that was intresting," Nya said. "I have a question, why is Zuko still here?" Katara asks and everyone looks at Zuko. "What?" He asks. "You have your bending, we were just in a town full of people who would have protected you from us, and you have not even tried escaping from us once, and we all know you could," Katara points out and Zuko frowns at her. "I can leave any time I want," he insists. "Than go, we won't stop you," Katara said and Zuko now looks like he can't even move and is just still.

Nya felt like rubbing some salt in the wound and clarifying for the rest of the group.

"It's pretty obvious, he's got nowhere to go. The public may like him, but that doesn't mean shit to his father who is ready to kill him if given the chance and then he will frame it as a attack by the avatar instead admitting the truth, and he's clearly fire nation to anyone in the earth kingdom and earth kingdom soldiers would just kill him or keep him hostage and if they find out of his identity than he'll either be brutually tortured for information, killed, ransomed back to his father, or kept as a punching bag," Nya listed off and she has a almost sadistic smirk seeing that Zuko had thought of every one of those things as if she had read his mind.

"He's never been alone without someone in his life to yell at or order around including his uncle so sticking with us is his best chance at surviving whether he likes it or not," She finishes. Everyone looks to Zuko who was just silent and grumbling because he was never good at making up excuses.

"I don't like you,"

"the feelings mutual,"

"Don't worry Zuko, we won't let anything happen to you," Aang hugged the prince and said prince looks at Aang and hisses. "Get off of me now!" Aang promptly let go of him and Zuko stood up and stormed off. "Should we follow him?" "Nah, let him have a tantrum," Nya stretches and settles in for some sleep.

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