Family Ties

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Iroh groans in pain, before sighing in relief.

"Prince Zuko! You have got to try these masseuses they are exceptional," Iroh calls out. Zuko remains by the entrance to the spa brooding.

After spending three weeks at sea eatting what they could catch with fire bending and drinking the water from rain they managed to get to a fire nation colony that had a spa.

When recognizing the royals they immediately put them in a royal suit and offered their full services free of charge.

Iroh happily took it up with stride and Kai had been spending a lot of time enjoying the hot springs and cuisine. Zuko on the other hand only accepted the luxury clothes and some of its food while he just brooded.

At night he dreamed of it. He didn't know what he was doing, he just wished he could take Zhao's bending and he got the bright idea to do it. As a fire bender you needed to be a chi master so Zuko planned to use his new healing bending and manipulate the patterns and block his chakra. But then he felt something, and he grabbed it pulling it out.

He thought it would only take his bending he didn't think it would kill him!

But Zuko's a mess up, he always messed up.

Sometimes he dreams he's doing it to uncle, to Lu ten, to his father, to Kai, and to Azula. He's terrified of doing that again, he felt Zhao's terror, he was still alive long enough to scar Zuko with the image of his terrified eyes.

"Is it because today's the day?" Zuko didn't even realize Iroh had sat down next to him. He knew what Iroh was talking about though and he wishes he could go back to before, when he was innocent and naive.

"I want it back," he said and left.

He got to his room and laid down on the bed. He wants so badly to go back to his nation, to save it from his father, to save it from any more slaughter. He needs to end this war, but the only way to end the war is the avatar and he needs to be firelord, but to do that is to get the avatar and overthrow his father both impossible.

Besides is he even a prince anymore? At this thought Zuko opens his pouch and brought forth the headpiece of the fire nation only meant to be worn by the crown prince until it was taken and stolen by Roku who claimed it as his own.

"I'll find a way," he mutters to himself. He lays down and slowly drifts off to asleep.

Rain thunder.

"Zuko help me!"

Fire ash everywhere.

"Mom where are you!?"

Running, running, faster!

"Zuzu I'm scared for you if you don't do better,"

Faces, smiles everywhere, everyone laughing at his pain. "Stop laughing!" He screams covering his ears.

"Lucky to be born,"

I'm sorry.

"You promised to protect me from father,"

I'm sorry.

"You promised to do better!"

I'm sorry.

"Lu ten should have lived you should have died. My son is gone and it's your fault!"

I'm sorry!

"My mother's gone because of you!"

I'm sorry!

"The air nation is gone because of you!"

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