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"You know I'm glad I bought the bag, it really goes with the belt," Sokka said admiring his attire. "That is a huge relief," Katara said sarcastically. "So you sure we'll find him here?" Nya asks Aang. "It's where I met him yesterday," Aang replies confidently. "How do you even know him? Is he a friend of yours?" Katara asks. "He's pretty close with my brother, they both learned spinjitzu long before me and participated in battles with each other, he's also my boyfriend's best friend. They're practically like brothers the three of them, plus two other friends I have," Nya explains.

"Excuse me? You have a boyfriend?" Katara asks and Nya blushes suddenly realizing she said too much. "Ooh I got to hear more about this," Aang said interested in this new information with a cheeky grin. "I um, oh look we're here!" Nya said running up to the school. Two students were already in the courtyard and practicing their bending. When they saw the group on of them said. "Oh great it's you loosers," Katara gives them a glare and they both jumped back frightened. "Yeah that's what I thought," Nya grins at her. "Nice one," Sokka giggles proud of his sister.

One of the jerks recognized Aang and said. "Hey your the kid who beat the Blind Bandit," He said. "Yeah and we're trying to find her, do you know where the janitor is here? We're looking for him too and he said he's friends with the girl," Aang explains. "You mean Rocky? Oh he quit yesterday he had been saving up money to go traveling," One of them answers. "So he's gone?" Nya asks disappointed. "What about the Blind Bandit?" Aang asks. "The Blind Bandit is a mystery, she shows up to fight and than disappears without a trace," the other explains. Aang is disappointed so Morro steps in. "You got more to say, say it or I'll explode your lungs," Morro threatens and for effect her sent a gust of wind knocking the two down to show he meant business.

"We don't know we swear! No one knows who she is except Rocky," The kids cowers under Morro's threatening glare. "Is there anything else you know about him? Any idea where he slept?" One of the kids cowering behind answers. "Well he was a bodyguard for the Beifongs, but he took a job up here too because he needed money fast," The kid said.

"Good enough for me. Let's go," Nya ran off wanting to find Cole as soon as possible. "We don't know where they live!" Morro calls after her, but that fell on deaf ears.

Time Skip

They reached a large estate and when we say large, we say large. It had towering walls over it and it looked like it could fit a village inside it's walls comfortably with room for more. From what they could see of the garden it had a large pond, and lush vegetation, the house itself was nothing less than grand.

"Woah I bet these people sleep on gold," Morro comments. "They're supposed to be the richest family in the world, they got more money than the fire nation royal family and the earth kingdom royal family put together. Supposedly the fire nations palace gardens are modelled after the Beifongs," Sokka explains. "And how do you know this?" Katara asks her brother with a raised eyebrow. "Oh I uh, heard it in town, everybody loves gossiping about rich people you know," Sokka answers with a slight embarrassed chuckle.

"Hey! What are you doing up there?!"

Everyone looks down seeing a guard in black and a earth kingdom style hat on his head obscuring his face. "We're sight seeing!" Sokka calls down. The guy punched the wall and sent Sokka flying off the wall and landing in some shrubbery. "The rest of you leave before- Nya!? Morro?!" The two looked down as the guard took off his hat revealing Cole's shocked face.


Nya's eyes lit up and she saw him and jumps down off the wall. Cole caught her and spins her around laughing happily. "Nya thank First Spinjitzu Master!" Cole said hugging her tightly and setting her down. "When we couldn't find you and Kai we thought someone kidnapped you. Then I take a look at that disk, end up in the middle of a random village, and hear about a war, and I got so worried when I heard what happened at the water tribes because I thought you would end up there and I heard Kai was on the run with a fire prince and," Cole was talking really quickly clearly relieved, but was looking over her and making sure she was alright.

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