Earth Rumble XII

522 21 14

(I think I'm over my writers block! Maybe)

The rooms provided to them were pretty nice. They had comfy beds with silk sheets.

"This is how to live," Sokka says stretching out comfortably on the bed. "I cannot believe no one has noticed her awesome bending skills," Aang complains. "Well she's a blind little girl and they're her parents. I am not saying its good, but they get this mental image and cannot really learn to accept things as anything but that image," Nya stretched out on another bed. "Kinda like the waterbenders down north," Katara comments.

"Hey," all of them looked up and saw Toph in more comfortable and less formal clothing leaning on the door frame with Cole leaning casually on the wall behind her. Aang jumped to a defensive position. "Hey calm down she just wants to talk," Cole said and with his hands up in surrender. "Look I'm sorry about dinner truce?" Toph asks. "Depends if you don't act all prissy princess than hit him with rocks," Morro answers for Aang.

"Wasn't asking you," Toph said. Aang stood up and said. "Yeah sure," the two kids left and Cole turns to Nya. "So where's Kai?" He asks. "In deep shit so nothing new," Nya answers and Cole chuckles. "Want to sneak into the kitchen and grab some cake? Catch up about all the crazy stuff happening," He asks her. She grins and stands. "Thought you would never ask," she said and walks off with him.

She follows him into the kitchen that looked bigger than the guest suit they had just been in. Cole goes to a cupboard and opens it to reveal a delicious cake he took two slices from and handed a plate to Nya. "When in doubt you'll always have cake," he said taking a bite and Nya chuckles sitting up on a counter.

"So what's happened with you? How'd you do waking up here alone? Is everything okay back home?" Nya asks taking a much smaller bite. "Yeah I guess. When you and Kai didn't show up when you were supposed to we tried calling in but you didn't answer. So Jay and Lloyd went and checked it out and we're guessing by the car you got attacked?" Cole asks and Nya nodded. "Yeah we got attacked by some bandits," She said monotone. "Anyway they found the half of that disk Misako found and while we were scanning for you Misako wanted to take a look at the disk. Since I was closest to it I grabbed it and suddenly my arms lit up without me activating them and I couldn't let go! The ground started shaking and I couldn't stop my powers! Jay tried getting it off me, but then the next thing I know I wake up in some forest and some floating lady told me I was in a world with people like us and I couldn't go back to Ninjago until the war was over," Cole explains. "Sounds similar to what happened with us," Nya said.

"Anyway I went travelling a lot. Helped some people, met some people too, like this guy Haru defending his village, some ladies with gold fans, these singing nomads, and about a month or two ago I saw this carriage being ambushed by bandits. Toph and her mother were in there. Her mother fainted and Toph helped me take out the bandits. When her mother woke up Toph had gotten a net thrown over her and I saved her. Seeing this her mother offered me a job and needing money I accepted. I've been working here for a couple of months. Me and Toph have been making money so I can try and get a ticket to Ba Sing Se. I thought if I'd find you two anywhere it would be the place everyone else is going. In the meantime she's been teaching me some cool new moves. She'd be a great teacher for Aang," Cole finishes explaining and started eating more cake.

"So what happened with you and Kai?" Cole asks. Nya explains the entire story and by the end Cole comments. "And I thought my dad was hard on me," He said shaking his head as he finished the cake. "So to sum it up Kai's taking this old prince dude to Ba Sing Se, and Morro's here because Aang is the last air bender of his kind so he doesn't want to loose him?" Cole asks. "Yeah pretty much, if I even suggest leaving Morro anywhere Aang breaks down into tears," Nya said with a eye roll. "Meh I'll give him a chance," Cole said. "What?! He's the reason you got turned into a freaking ghost!" Nya insists. "And he's the reason I'm not anymore. I'm not one to hold grudges Nya it's too hard," he said. Nya rolls her eyes when they heard the scream.

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