Zuko Is Tired

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Zuko feels a surge of excitement as he saw the fire nation capital coming into view. After three years at sea he was finally going home.

He had personally sent a messenger hawk and he got a response saying to head directly to the palace without being noticed as to not draw a crowd the avatar could potentially escape in.

He was also ordered to kill the sky bison, but Zuko didn't even consider the idea because as much as he doesn't want to admit it he is actually quite fond of the sky bison. It had even been getting along well with the rhinos and had even given Zuko a long lick after giving it food since the stable man forgot too.

The entire time uncle Iroh had been acting weirdly and so had Kai in a sense. He constantly volunteered to go below to guard the prisoners and while at first Zuko was okay with it he quickly realized Kai was the only one guarding both the avatar and the other three prisoners.

Something didn't feel right in Zuko's gut about this fact, but he couldn't dwell on it because he was usually pretty good at telling when someone had his best interests and Kai has never done anything to warrant him not trusting.

The ship arrived docked specifically at the docks only meant for the royal procession and away from public eye as instructed.

He went to the avatar's cell and found Kai already there guarding the wooden cage.

"We're here, I want you to accompany me to the throne room with uncle since your both the only ones competent enough," Zuko explains. Kai gave a mock salute and pulls the avatar from the cage.

"But what about the others?" Kai asks. "I've already had them transferred to a holding cell in the palace dungeons until a more permanent prison can be created," Zuko answers.

The young avatar looks at Kai than back at Zuko.

"And Appa?" He asks. "A Zoo I think?" Zuko answers actually unsure what to do about Appa.

They left the ship and Zuko steps on fire nation shores for the first time in nearly three years.

He feels something in his stomach that should be excitement, but right now as he thinks about seeing his father again, he can't help feeling a nervous fear.

"You alright prince Zuko?" Iroh asks. "Of course uncle," Zuko answers and marches forward with Kai pulling the avatar along beside him.

They reached the palace fairly quickly and were met with the royal guards. These guards were kind of like Ba sing se's Da Li agents in that they are hand picked from birth and trained for years of their lives to protect the royal family at any costs unless explicitly ordered by the firelord himself in case of treason.

They wore full red armour with gold highlights, a helmet covering their entire head leaving only a couple of holes for breath, combat boots, gloves, and armour impossible to penetrate.

Zuko always found himself uncomfortable when around them because Azula used to tell him that father could tell them to kill him and they would do it without hesitation. As a child that terrified him especially since he was only fourth in line at the time and grandfather Azulon didn't like him compared to Lu ten and Azula so it wouldn't have been too hard to cover it up. When he became crown prince he was no longer as scared as he once was, but he still kept his distance from them.

They gave him a small nod and escorted him and his company through the palace. Each step Zuko took felt heavy as he got closer to where his father is.

He wonders if he'll be seeing Azula soon, as mean as she is he does miss her sometimes.

Finally after what felt like a eternity they arrived at the mahogany doors to the throne room. Zuko pauses looking at them a little unsure. "If you would like nephew I could," "I can do this alone uncle, thank you," Zuko said. Iroh definitely didn't want to leave Zuko alone, but he looks at Kai with a pleading face to protect his nephew. Kai nodded and so did Aang.

Ninjago's AvatarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora