Penta Plague

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Early the next morning the entire city gathered and had red marks all over their skin.

They groaned and walked slowly coughing sickly. When they reached the main gates that had the governer overlooking them the guards screamed out. "Plague!" Before running to avoid the 'infected' citizens.

"Omg this is so much fun!" Nya whispers to Kai before coughing violently on a guard who screams running off.

"We should try and see if we have any of these pentapuses in Ninjago. Could be great for skipping training," Kai added.

As per the plan the fire nation all but kicked them out of the city and within a two hour hike the entire city was in the far mountains and setting up camp.

"Well that was great," Nya said. Kai looks around making sure everyone was alright and not too exhausted by the hike while Iroh was telling a group about embarrassing stories of Zuko. It seems like he has gone to a petty stage of grief.

"Hey Kai, looks like you got a friend," Nya grins pointing down. Kai looks down and saw a little toddler probably no older than one or two years old crawling around chasing Momo.

"Awww hey little guy," Kai picked him up. The baby smiles at him and giggles reaching out and pulling his hair. "Okay! Okay that's enough," Kai said and calls out. "Who's kid is this?" Everyone looks up and a choruses of no's or shaken heads answer him.

"Let's leave the kid with Morro he can be in charge of the dirty diapers," Nya said and Kai agrees. "Hey air head," Morro looks over at them once he was done talking to the general.

"What?" He asks. "Could you deal with this kid we can't find the parents," Kai explains. "But we got everyone out," Morro looks at the toddler and his eyes widened.

"Shit," he mutters taking the child for a closer look. "What's wrong?" Nya asks. "This is a fire nation kid. You can tell by his clothes," Morro said.

Kai and Nya paled and looked at the innocent child who was playing with Morro's long hair. "What do we do? How many parents have already moved into Omashu?" Nya asks panicking a little.

"Hey guys!" Everyone saw the gaang returning with Aang looking rather sullen with a giant animal behind him.

"Who's the baby?" Sokka asks. "He's so cute!" Katara giggles tickling him and the baby giggles. "It's a kid from the fire nation. Somehow he got out with us," Morro explains. "Wonder who he belongs too?" Aang asks.

"Governor Ukano," Everyone looks at Iroh who had taken notice, but did not look at them. "He's going to notice soon and we should expect a message to be sent soon. Ukano is a cowardly man, he talks much, but really he's only as high up as he is is because his daughter is best friends with my niece and Zuko's ex girlfriend," Iroh explains.

"Wait? That knife throwing sighing girl is Zuko's ex?" Sokka asks. "Well they never officially dated, but the court loved to gossip," Iroh said with a smirk as he drank his tea.

As everyone settled down Katara and Nya played with the child while Morro and Aang were training with each other.

"So you create a air ball like this and then you quickly jump on top of it," Aang shows Morro. The guy tries to do it and he managed to get onto it, but he couldn't hold it for more than a few seconds before he fell back onto the ground again.

"Ugh! I thought I had that!" Morro complains. "It's okay, you'll get it eventually," Aang encourages. Honestly teaching Morro air bending was really helpful. "Okay, just let me try again," Morro redid it and this time he got it! He cheers as he steered around Aang multiple times before letting it disperse.

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