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'' welcome to the war Byun Baekhyun " said jimin smirking pointing his gun towards baekhyun 's heart .


Baekhyun 's blood ran cold. All of his men that is 50 guards at each entrance, which means 50 + 50+50 = 150 guards in total pointed their guns towards Baekhyun........

Was is Baekhyun 's men who betrayed him in fear of Jimin?


Did Jimin just in one night buy the entire byun gang ?

While Jimin stood there thinking of how to kill BAEKHYUN, inside the church the guards that had there guns pointed towards Mr. And Mrs. Kim put them down as Y/n slowly approached them .One of the guards came forward as Y/n stepped back .

" no need to be afraid madam now we work under Park Jimin, you must be Kim Y/n right, ? " asked the guard as the girl nodded.

" I am Y/n but aren't you Baekhyun 's men " she questioned

" madam we were Baekhyun 's men but now we are park Jimin 's men because last night park Jimin buyed us , he gave each and every guard 3 million dollars now we work under him , you must be our soon to be mafia queen if I am not wrong ? " the guard asked while smiling

" yes " the girl simply said because she was shook at her boyfriend 's actions , 3million dollars to each guard .

Without wasting another minute she ran towards her parents , untiring their ropes hugging them , as they hugged her back .

" Are you guys , alright? " she asked examining their body for any more cut or bruises.

" Honey we are completely fine thanks to Jimin , he had already saved us this was just a part of his plan to end Baekhyun, nothing more " Mrs.kim said

" I am so sorry I dragged you guys into this mess " she apologised while crying

" it's ok angel and we are sorry too, we never spend time with you and always left you alone " Mr. Kim said while wiping his daughter 's tears .

" Madam , should we take you outside to Park Jimin sir ? " the guard from before asked .and the girl nodded helping her parents stand, all of them started walking outside but their steps halted in middle when they heard a gunshot.

The girl 's heart stopped . She immediately ran outside there many guards standing but as soon as they saw her they stood in line bowing towards her while she just ran finding.... him

There he stood looking towards Baekhyun who was on the ground now dead , while he stared at it for a moment then his age shifted and his eyes met hers .

He nodded assuring her that everything was fine while she just ran towards him , almost as she was about to jump into his arms , she tripped on a rock , she closed her eyes ready to feel the pain but it never came , instead she felt two large hands around her waist as she slowly looked up and saw him

Their faces just inches apart, his hot breath fanning her face as they just stared into each other 's eyes without speaking a word . Her eyes welled up with tears remembering his actions of saving her parents. She hugged him her face buried in his neck as she cried

𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐏𝐉𝐌 ✔Where stories live. Discover now