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Kim Y/n

" well aside from Jimin 's past can you tell me about his mother " I asked out if curiosity

" she was one person who stole my heart " he said and continued

"When I was training to become a mafia leader like what Jimin is doing right now , just like you I met Jimin 'a mother , her name was Chung Ha and she was one beautiful women who stole my heart just like you stole Jimin 's . I was my quest to find a queen for my self and Chung Ha came from a wealthy family just like you. Her father owned chains of hotels,clubs , bars and restaurants. I joined Chung Ha 's university before I knew her . On my first day I accidentally bumped into her and oh my I was lost in her eyes . We did stare each other for like 5minutes until it was broken and guess what Y/n ? " he asked

" what dad ?" I said eagerness shining in my eyes

" I kissed her and pushed her against the lockers and stared into her eyes deeply , she did the same and that day I knew I had fallen in love and found my true love " he said

" your love story is so romantic , dad but what happened with your dad after that "I asked

" well I told my father about Chung Ha and he gladly accepted her , that was the happiest day of my life but I still hadn't told Chung Ha about our mafia life . I was scared that she would leave me , but then my father told me that if she loves me she would accept me and she did , after a year before we got married she gave me the best gift ever and that was Jimin " he said as both of us chuckled

" at the age of 12 when Jimin was still training there was a war mafia was between us and our rival named EXO and during that war Chung Ha left us while saving Jimin " a tear rolled down both of our cheeks

" after Chung Ha there was no women that I looked at in my life and Jimin was depressed and it took him 3 years to recover, he thought he was the reason of his mom 's death but I told him that it wasn't his fault . Y/n the actual reason I called you here was that I had accepted you the first time I saw you but I want you to give me a promise" he said

" sure father " I said

" I want you to promise me that you will love and cherish my son until your last breath, to be by his side in his good and bad times , and to accept him as he is with all his flaws and his personality, he is the best son in the world to me , I want that he finds his true love , will you promise me that Y/n ? "

" I promise dad " you said confidently .

" you are one beautiful young woman you know that , Y/n ? " he said and I blushed but then the thought that came in my mind in the elevator came up.

" dad to be honest , I have no problem with Jimin being the mafia king , I am just worried what will my parents think if they find out " I said while worrying a bit

" don't worry Y/n , when the time comes I will talk to your parents. " he said and I nodded .

" Y/n since you will be the next mafia queen, I want to hunt down your specialities.and so there will be tests too. " he said seriously

" I don't know my special qualities " i said worried again

" don't worry we have tests to find them out in the future " he said assuring me

I just nodded you head .

There was a knock on the door ,

" come in " Mr . Park said then Jimin entered, he was smiling like an idiot. You just shrugged you shoulders .

" I apologise but I have some meetings to attend. Till then Jimin why don't you show Y/n the company , give her a tour. " Mr. Park said

" sure father " Jimin said while smiling.

" it was a pleasure meeting you Y/n " Mr.Park said while smiling

" pleasure was all mine dad , it was nice meeting you too. You remind me of my father " you said returning the same smile

You hugged Mr. Park once more , and left the office, with a smiling Jimin.

" why are you smiling , did I miss something?" You asked

" nothing , just nothing " he said


The reason behind Jimin smiling was that , he was eavesdropping your entire conversation with his dad , his love for you is starting to increase day by day. Jimin intertwined your hands which caught you of guard

" what's wrong chim ? " you said as you were confused

" I love you " he said and kissed you passionately. You immediately kissed back filling the kiss with the same love and care, until you heard someone calling for you .

You turned around to see your beloved cousin, running towards you with open arms and you ran to hug her tightly too.

" I missed you , unnie" you said as some tears blurred your vision

" I missed you too, how are you ? " she asked still embracing you

" I am good , how are you ?" You asked

" I am good, great actually " she said and lightly chuckled

" I thought that taehyu-" she cut me off

" me and taehyung are dating "she said and my eyes widened

" are you rea-" she cut me off again

" I love him a lot and so does he " she said and I smiled

" well if you're happy with him I am good and taehyung?" I called for him

" yes noona " he answered respectfully

" boy listen to me , if you break her heart remember, I break you " I said while giving him deadly glares and he just gulped .

While enjoying their moments the four didn't realize that someone was watching them.

" I am going to steal you Y/n "

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