"o-oh," donghyuck blushed. "i didn't touch you or anything weird, and it's not like i haven't seen you before," mark muttered the last part but donghyuck still heard it. "i didn't say you did anything, i was just asking if you changed my clothes," he defending, his face turned more and more red. mark laughed and eased the awkwardness slightly. the melodic sound of his laughter was like music to donghyuck's ears.

   when mark stopped laughing, the room fell in a silence filled with tension. "yo guys," a knock came at the door from behind mark. donghyuck slightly jumped in his place while mark turned around and opened the door to see jeno. "get ready to go, we're getting lunch," he let them know. he shot a curious look at donghyuck (most likely because he was visibly in mark's bed), before giving out a small smile and leaving for his own room. 

   the two that were left in the room stared at eachother for a brief moments before their hunger took over and they prepared to leave.


   a few days had passed since the drinking incident and donghyuck was taking some essential things to move with him to the dreamies' dorm. with their comeback being soon, his manager let him know that he and mark should move in to the dream dorm for a while as they would be busy with promotions and rehearsals. 

   "hold on haechan, i'll be back in a sec," jaehyun stood up and left the room. donghyuck nodded and continued packing his things. jaehyun had been a help when it came to deciding what to pack or just giving him advice on anything in general. the most recent common topic was about the canadian boy who lived only a few doors down. 

   donghyuck sighed as he placed the last piece of clothing that he could probably fit in his suitcase down. before he could zip it up, someone cleared their throat behind. he automatically thought it was jaehyun, but when he turned around, he was proved wrong. "hey," mark smiled. "hi," donghyuck smiled back. "having trouble?" mark gestured towards the suitcase waiting to be zipped.

   "not yet, but i think it might be hard to close," he said truthfully. mark stood next to, squating so he could fold over the top. "it's okay mark, i've got it," donghyuck grabbed the zipper before mark could. "let me just do it for you," mark's hands were placed ontop of te younger's. donghyuck didn't mean to, but he oved his hands back immediately. mark looked at him worriedly and donghyuck shook his head as if to say, 'it's nothing'. 

   the ravenette didn't miss his chance to take a hold on the zipper and donghyuck rolled his eyes in annoyance. "i've never met someone as stubborn as you," he said. mark just sent him a cheeky grin, "i've never met someone as stubborn as you, either." they made eye contact and it only took a couple of seconds before they both burst out laughing. it was nice to feel relaxed for even just a moment.

   after calming down, they made eye contact again. mark had a smile on his face that didn't reach his eyes. although the corners of his mouth were turned upwards, it was clear as day that it was a sad smile. donghyuck could only imagine that he mirrored the same expression.

   for two people who called themselves bestfriends, everytime they were around eachother, it felt like they were walking on egg shells. donghyuck hated it. he hated how close they used to be. he hated how awkward they acted now. he missed the more simple times when he and mark would sit in a room and they would sing together for hours while mark played the guitar. he missed the old jokes they shared and how close they were.

   they used to never kept secrets from eachother. all of that seemed to change once donghyuck developed feelings for mark. in a way, donghyuck blamed himself for the distance and everything else inbetween. "if i didn't have to hide my feelings from mark, we wouldn't be as distant as we are right now," he remembered saying to jaehyun one night when mark was on his mind. 

   "you know," mark broke the silence, gaze remaining on the pretty boy in front of him. "i care about you more than you'll ever know and it really hurts me to see you like this," he spoke. his words seemed to echo in donghyuck's mind. "i'm sorry fo-," donghyuck was cut off before he could finish. "i'm not done yet," mark looked at him seriously.

   the brunette  let him know he was listening and that he wouldn't cut him off anymore by nodding his head. "your mental and physical health is more important to me than anything and i really do hope that you can tell me what it is. it's hurts to see you like this but not be able to help you. you know that whatever it is, i won't judge you, right?" mark let out all at once. donghyuck could picture mark alone in his room with all these thoughts swarming his mind. he felt guilty for making mark worry so much about him.

   "i know," he said sofly. there was a pause between them before donghyuck spoke again. "i wish i could tell you," he admitted vaguely. "then tell me, please," mark pleaded. "i-i can't right now. not yet," donghyuck choked on his words. they tasted bitter on his tongue and guilt was swallowing him alive. 

   mark's expression was dripping with disappointment and donghyuck couldn't help it when he muttered a, "i'm sorry." the older's face softened as he looked at donghyuck. "don't be, if you aren't ready, you shouldn't have to tell me. i'm sorry for pressuring you," he ran his fingers through donghyuck's hair, completely oblivious to the butterflies it was sending donghyuck.

   "we should go know," mark spoke up after a long silence. donghyuck nodded and met eyes with jaehyun who was just enterng the room. "everything okay in here?" he must've caught on to their sad faces.

   "yeah," mark looked at him, "everything's fine," he took donghyuck's hand in his and picked up the shorter's luggage with the other. donghyuck flushed red and was relieved when mark didn't turn back to look at him and instead began to walk out the door, pulling donghyuck from behind. 

   jaehyun looked at him with a puzzled expression. donghyuck gave him a weak smile without explanation and help up his phone, "i'll text you later." with that, the two were gone.


word count: 1869

a little bit of fluff and a little sad 

✎ ---- dreaminghyuck

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