Chapter 39

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Tzalmon Point of View

Myx Ranas!

That worthless Gnoll!

So he is the one who came to speak for those scums!

However, if he knows about Eblilis and her identity, so does shadow spirits surely. I've been careful, very cautious in concealing everything about her and cover up her as normal Dr'helellis. If they knew about her now, my preparations lacked or there was someone else close to me that work for the other side.

If one can approach her then so does others and many more.

"Milady, those people are not to be trusted. They are bad." Bad, is a very small word to describe those scums. They are absolutely dirt.

"Hmm. Okay." She brushed off my warning casually and pointed towards unconscious Eelk on the floor. "Help him to his room."

"I'm serious, Milady. If you help shadow spirits then everyone will be in trouble." I stressed on the issue so she can keep other thoughts away.

"Mister Aguelli, let me ask you something." She looked up at me with curiosity. "You have been working for me for several months now, what kind of a person do you think am I?"

I stared at her blankly but inside my heart a volcano was close to erupt. I cannot let her anywhere near those scums but what if she choose to go to them by herself?

"Unlike other ladies, you are smart and determined, Milady." I added briefly.

"Then you must also know that I am not a fool. Just because someone came and told me something, I will not do anything impulsive. Even what Mister Ranas said was true, until I know complete story behind this, I will not go to anyone. Not when I have my son to look after."

Not a fool, after all.

But just the thought of her near that man or any man in general caused a ripples of aggravation in my heart. Indeed she is not a fool to believe that Gnoll but she still has thoughts of escaping this land.

How am I to cut off that idea from her mind forever?

I cannot let her leave... for my kingdom.

I cannot let her leave... for –

For – our son!

"The shadow spirits are not the people you can take lightly, Milady. I know it is not my place to say this but they are absolutely someone you should not trifle with. They might appear genuine but in the inside they are rotten." She nodded in response and did not say anything.

I then understood that I do not know this woman completely.

Whenever I thought I figured her out, something new pops up that throws me into thinking if what I know and understood was all true and enough.

She clearly hates me as Tzalmon and would do anything to go back to her own world along with my son. But now, it seems like she is quite sensible when it comes to weighing situations and making decisions.

I can now tell that no matter how much she wants to get out of my land, she still swallowed the desire and walked on a rational path.

From a girl who was easily scared and weep to a lady who can handle herself well and think better than any normal man, I do not wonder anymore why destiny has chosen her for this kingdom.

For – me!

With a secret smile, I threw unconscious Eelk in the guest room and went back to her office room to give her the requested preorder list.

"The preorders for baby prams are increasing in great speed, Milady. Making prams are easier and less time taking than bicycles so we can make more than ordered in the required time." I reported.

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