Chapter 36

101 22 4

Tzalmon Point of View

"Please everyone, have a seat and enjoy the refreshments while I do all the talking." She joked and waved her hand at the group of servants to serve refreshments for the guests.

On the dais, other than herself and Igses, there was no other accompanying her or helping her in her speech. She explicitly assured that she can handle the speech by herself and need no assistance.

While we, I, Azar, Eelk and the other close and direct subordinates to her stood a step below.

The crowd calmed down and gave her the full attention which was rather surprising.

For such high profiled men to wait and listen to a woman was highly demeaning and below their status quo.

For such people to give her a listening ear was both surprising and suspicious.

"When I was a child, I once dreamt of a story. There was a vast area of grasslands surrounded by forest." She started with a smile, garnering the attention of everyone.

This woman... what is she doing?

Is this a story telling time?

"There was a young couple who were traveling came to a halt to take few minutes of rest by a tall apple tree. After resting for a while, they realized they don't have enough food. Fortunately they were sitting near an apple tree so they planned to get few apples to eat then and pack them for future. However the branches of the tree were rather high." She said sighing in despair.

By now, every single person, from servant to guests, were immersed in the story. Forget about others, even I found her rather charming when she starting narrating a story with such interesting tones modulations.

"They tried hard to pluck apples but couldn't even get one apple. After trying for a long time, they flopped down on the grass from exhaustion. When they flopped down, both of them saw a fallen apple not far from them. It was a big red juicy apple that could satisfy their hunger. However, there was only one apple and two people. Both of them ran to the apple and took it at the same time; both telling each other that they were the first one to touch it so it should belong to them."

"The man said that he was a man and her husband so he has the right to take the apple while the woman said that she was a woman and his wife so he should be a gentleman and give the apple to her. Tell me, who should get the apple?" She suddenly asked glancing at the attentive crowd.

The crowd who were listening to her intently started to give out their answers one after the other.

"Of course, as a superior and as the head of the household, the man should get to eat."

"A man earns livelihood for the family. Isn't it given that the man should have the apple?"

"Man should eat it."

"Why, man should have it."

"Why show courtesy in the face of hunger death? If he ate it and was alive, he can take another wife. What if he was dead then who will look after his family and earn for the family?"

Several similar answers flowed for a while. The calm and serene look on Eblilis face did not change however.

I thought she was a woman activist, how come she did not mind such comments?

It's not like her!

"So you all say the man should have it and if his wife died from hunger, he can marry another woman." She asked silencing everyone. "Alright, I heard answers from men. What about ladies here, don't you want to say anything? Who should get the apple?"

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