Chapter 19

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Tzalmon Point of View

My lips curved upwards slightly as I watched Eblilis creating the play. I must say, her strategy was simple yet effective.

Not to mention, she made everything seems so natural that no one can point it out that she is the one who created the whole chaos.

With one battle she got both, people and their loyalty.

I know she has an ambition, however, what it is I'm still unaware of it.

These days, I've left the official matters of the kingdom to my trusted aid and followed Eblilis and my son in my invisible form just to make sure they get to their destination without any accident.

There are several who are greatly powered and can wreck havoc with a snap of fingers. Although she has the pendent that covers her human characteristic and gives of a scent of normal Dr'helellis person, she is still a human with no strength to defend herself.

However, it was good I followed suit or else I wouldn't have know that this woman has a passable brain.

Normally, women are supposed to look after the internal affairs of a household and their upmost priority is to look after their man and offspring. They are to take care of their body so they could please men.

Women are born with natural deficiency in brain activities. Looking at how Eblilis was handling the matter, I seem to understand why she wants to go on a long road journey.

She was a little smart; still, she is just a human woman.

"She is wicked. Refreshing." I mumbled to myself as I followed the group.

Eblilis and her crew has settled the black cobra gang matter a day ago and resumed their journey towards their initial destination.

Of course, the battle was won by the black cobra gang with the help of Eelk and his team. By the end of it, Hildir, the leader of the gang was too overwhelmed by support that the whole gang vowed their absolute devotion unanimously.

This time, it was sincere.

After getting what she wanted, she decided to resume their trip the next morning. All along the quite carriage trip, she closed her eyes and every now and then smile to herself.

Devil knows what is going on in her brain!

On the way to Oudad capital city, she made deals with few more gangs and influential families in similar way of plotting against them and helping them in the last moment like a kind hearted goddess.

Oudad, although is a huge province, the territory hold lesser residents than any other province. The reasons being; one, it is more like a tourist spot but bordered with several mountains, making hard to get in and out of region.

Two, Oudad has highest number of outlaws. Although they do not go blindly after regular citizens, they are still vicious and overboard.

Three, several local families moved to other regions all because Oudad was always filled with tourists, even from other kingdoms. Many accidents take place most of the time when several powerful clans people assemble in one place.

It is not like I cannot control it; being the topmost must visit place of two hundred realms, these vicious outlaws are right people to put the tourists in their limits and because of this fear, no matter from what race and what kingdom they come from, they don't blindly do as they please.

Now, seeing how Eblilis has been taking charge of these outlaws and influential families, no doubt a change is ought to occur soon.

"Majesty, they should be reaching Oudad capital city, Oriamont, by early hours of evening. How do you wish me to proceed?" Gyles voiced out politely.

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