Chapter 4

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Tzalmon Point of View

Eblilis froze.

I was honestly puzzled by her reaction. Looking at her confused displeased and growling facial features, yet again, for nth time, I was puzzled.

Her distaste and hatred for me only intensified when she heard who she is to me and my kingdom.

"Ah, so turns out I'm a queen." She spoke nodding to herself calmly. The calmness was a sudden change.

Although she has sea of hatred in eyes, she also has an ocean of calmness.

"However,-" She started, as she looked at me and rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "I'm rather petrified by your complacency in thinking that I actually care about being some goddamn queen to a horde of brainless chickens."

The way she said those words with a hint of surprise and contemplation hit me hard. Yet again, I failed to understand her thoughts.

I told her she was a queen and the very person who has authority to rule my people beside me. Wasn't that enough reason for her to be gratified?

"I know women who are ready to die and kill to be with me; be my queen." I laid down the fact in a straight tone. And it is really true. There are indeed ladies, from other territories, from gentry of my own territory who would do anything to win my attention and my heart.

"Well, congratulation; I prefer to stay alive then. Back to the serious topic," She shrugged and moved a little forward and glanced up at me inquisitively. "Who are you?"

"Nah, what are you? I saw you appear before me and go invisible right in front of my eyes. Clearly, you are something that knowledge of science I have cannot explain." One blank look at her, I pressed my cold eyes into hers giving off a very dominating stance that my people are scared off.

Apparently, the woman before me isn't affected in the least.

She actually dared to look back nonchalantly at me showing me how genuinely she is not scared or not compelled by my aura.

Is she the same scared little lamb that walked into my castle?

"Like I said, I am Tzalmon Saccius Ebernus, the ruler of this territory and father to our son." I repeated briefly and heard her hum thoughtfully.

"Territory, you mean this island or do you mean this dimension?" My eyes sparkled with astonishment when put that question down.

"You realized it, didn't you? When though?" This time I was really taken aback by her perspective.

She was smart.

In response, she snickered humorlessly, "An ocean that takes me to the same place no matter which direction I go to. An island that suddenly amplified in size in just a day. A place where there is no trace of natural cultural development and a place that is behind from the current era by tens of centuries. People who has this bizarre ability to appear and disappear by a swish; tell me, if not I'm not going crazy, then it is quite obvious that you and your chickens here are some monsters."

My hands clenched into tight fists when I heard her call my people brainless chicken and monsters.

"The people you are calling chicken belong to one of the most powerful race in all the realms and the person you call the monster is one of the most powerful man the universe has ever seen." I was being patient but when dare test it calling us chicken and monsters, I lost it.

She was a mere mortal and a female at that. A female and a mortal who was below me; how dare she insult my race, my people and me?

She looked up at me and raised a brow arrogantly giving me a once all over glance before shaking her head as if she heard something unbelievable.

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