Chapter 22

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Acacia Point of View

My eyes turned into slits as I carefully observed the man standing upright before me. For nearly ten minutes, I closely studied him silently and he just stood before me without any complaint.

Nah, there is no similarities between them whatsoever.

Is this man really –

"So you are Sir Azar that was sent here to be my assistant." He nodded briefly. "Is this the first time we are meeting?"

This man, although looked quite mature, I know for a fact that he can't be older than seventeen years old. However stony he may look but the youthful teenage charm is still there.

And the vibe he gives off – it's familiar.

"Absolutely Milady." He confidently affirmed.

Oh really?

My lips pressed into thin line and a scowl took over the curious creases. "You are not needed here, Sir Azar. You may leave now."

Sir Azar blinked a couple of times as if he could not believe what he heard. He opened his mouth a little in an attempt to ask something but held back for a second.

"But Milady, I'm here on His Royal Highness command to act as your deputy and support you with handling the political matters of the province."

"First, I do not need help from you to handle regional matters. Two, I rather choose a incapable man than a dishonest person so no, I will not accept your services here since you are not loyal to me."

With sternness, I declared firmly because I indeed believe that changing an incapable person to a better one is worthwhile than putting my hope on a dishonest capable person.

No matter how capable he is, a dishonest person is always like a dagger hovering over the neck.

Sir Azar's eyes widened a little but he soon covered it up with a blank indifference again. "I apologize, Milady, I was wrong. I could not tell you because I was unable to protect you before." He slightly bowed.

Looking at him from head to toe, I leaned back and scratched my chin in contemplation. This man serves the Jerk as master and I'm only the person whom his master sent to help.

In that case, he will not fully under my command like I wanted.

"Why were a hawk then and why are you in a human form now?" I want to know why he was able to appear before me when there was a curse and not even that powerful jerk couldn't appear until Igses was born.

"I was destined to be your chief protector, Milady. The curse was partly lifted for me when you conceived young prince and that was the reason why I could only appear in a hawk form."

Ah, so that's the case. If so then shouldn't he be completely and absolutely under my sole command?

"Where were you all these months?" He looked startled and a little hesitant by what I asked.

"I had other official matters to settle before I go back to follow you, Milady. Rest assured, you are where my loyalty stands."

I don't really feel so!

He might be destined to be my protector but he is not fully under my command. Heck, even a blind can sense he is not one hundred percent a subordinate to me.

"Azar, other things I do believe what you said but do not take me for a fool. Look at you; do you think I or anyone would believe that your complete loyalty stands with me? You know what is the difference between commander Eelk and you? Eelk, when he works for me, he takes me as his absolute authority. Other than my living conditions, he will not report back to your king about other matters and most importantly, if there is something he cannot answer, he will be honest with it and shall not avoid it. That is what I expect from my people. Even if there is a secret they are keeping from me, they should not pretend that there is nothing at all. Like Eelk, they should tell on my face that it was a secret they cannot reveal."

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