Chapter 15

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Tzalmon Point of View

"Are you not going to show yourself, Your Majesty?" Gyles question received a scowl from me.

Turning back, I noticed the carriage and the few horses come to a sudden halt. In front of them was a small army of bandits that belong to a gang that belong to Oudad boarders.

Although the imperial security team were disguised as ordinary merchants under the command of Eblilis, one could easily tell that they were not just any merchants.

Being a part of esteemed imperial security order, the team extruded the aura that could make others want to kneel before them and beg for mercy.

"My apologies, Majesty. But you have been following them secretly to keep them safe but that lady does not value your concern. Moreover, she said such hateful words to you. One command, Majesty and I shall take care of her."

I can detect unfathomable loyalty in his tone and as a first rank commander of the kingdom, I was proud of him. If it wasn't Eblilis but some other person, then I would've given him the orders to torture them to death.

But the person in question was Acacia Dawn Winters. She should be kept safe; no matter what.

"What she said the other day wasn't all wrong." I openly agreed.

Gyles face turned red with anger and hatred albeit not for me but for his future queen, "But –"

"But that doesn't mean I shall forgive her for that. This isn't something you should get involved with so make sure you guard her well; other things, I shall take care of." I ordered and continued to watch what was unfolding before us from the shadows.

"There is no need to hurry and save them." I said and thought that with something like this, Eblilis would learn how to act properly and would know how to bow down to me.

A small danger can set the records straight for her. As for Igses, I would anyhow not allow anything to happen to him.

One whole day, the day they set out from the castle after defying him, that whole day I had spent practicing swordsmanship. Having nowhere to spend the anger and the hurt that her words left me with, the whole day I had to wield the sword over thousands of times until I had destroyed the practice field completely.

She called me selfish and questioned my motives towards my own son. I was angry, furious beyond imagination but after the whole day abusing my body with constant practice, I realized she wasn't completely wrong about what she said.

I would die before admitting it openly but still, I wasn't that foolish to not understand her implications. Not to forget how my son protected his mother from my outburst.

He used his power against his own father and the astonishing fact was it worked. The technique of sealing away my power and strength for a certain period of time was successful and what was more surprising was he was able to apply it on me.

I am the most powerful in the whole kingdom and his magic worked on me, making him more powerful than me.

Such a son, I was proud to have!

Only, he was very protective of his mother. Even going against me!

These things made me realize that I cannot act impulsively when around Igses. However young he is, his senses are rather advanced than his age. His senses towards his mother were strong that it made me what to know what exactly Eblilis did to receive such protectiveness from him.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking our path?" The loud demand from Eelk broke my trance.

From the shadows, I watched Eelk got down from his horse and moved towards the batch of bandits who looked unclean, treacherous and considerably vicious.

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