Hannah sat on Anthony's bed and said "You're nervous. I am too, but I don't think anyone's gonna die. I knew that you must have seen things. I saw Bob, and David, and I also saw Gwen. But, they never were telling me things. They were just there to let me know they were okay. It's perfectly understandable that you saw them, but them telling you that someone will die, no. That's just your worries."

                     Anthony looked at her, and said "Somebody is going to die today." Hannah sighed, and said "It is likely, yes. But, don't be worried Anthony, because Spike and his group will be dead, too." Anthony nodded, before she stood up and said "Breakfast is ready." Anthony smiled, before following her.

                      The Hounds were moving their belongings into a small supermarket, as Spike said "After this is over, we'll be able to go back to our home." "And when exactly will that be, sir?" asked Charlie, passing by. Spike smiled, and said "Don't worry. Anthony's group will be dead by sunset." "Are you sure sir?" asked a man. "Because, we don't know that." Spike sighed, before drawing a gun and shooting the man in the face. The rest of the Hounds looked frightened, as Spike said "Like I said, they'll be dead by sunset."

                        The group carried boxes around, as Greg said "Everybody, please raise your hand if you're going out." "I'm coming" said Carly, running up to him. "No" said Greg. "You are needed here. If Spike's men, come you have to be here." "But, I can be out there, too" said Carly. "I'm just worried you'll be hurt out there."

                       She looked concerned, as Greg said "I'll be fine, Carly. We'll all make it through this. But, you, Vince, Vivian, Sam, Nick, and Adam need to stay here. The rest of us have to be out there, to kill Spike." Carly looked up at him, before hugging him. "I just want you to be safe" she said. Greg rubbed her back, as he said "I know."

                        Molly stood on top of a catwalk, staring out of one of the windows. Hector then approached, and asked "Are you sure you should be going out there?" Molly looked in front of her, and said "I'm fine Hector." She went to walk off, but Hector said "Molly" grabbing her hand. She pulled away, and smacked him as hard as she could.

                      "Don't touch me" she said, exasperated. "You can't stop me, Hector. You can't stop me. I'm going out there, to be a part of this group. You may think I am weak but I am not. I am strong, Hector. I am much stronger than you are." She turned and walked off, as Hector looked shocked.

                          Anthony loaded his gun, as he turned. "Dad" Sam said, running over. "No Sam, you can't come" he said. "You need to stay here, where I know you'll be safe. We're moving in on them, sure, but they could still come, and I need you to stay here and take them out. "That's not what I wanted, Dad" said Sam. "I just wanted to wish you good luck, and also, end this." Anthony looked at Sam, and said "I actually have a job for you and Vince."

                              Anthony walked with Sam and Vince to Gwen's grave. "Carly will be patrolling the woods, but I need you two here to signal the others inside when you see people, anyone, even us." "Like what Tyler and Kate did the night we faced Daniel" said Sam. "Yes" said Anthony. "Like then."

                                Anthony then knelt before Sam, and said "You two have to stay here, no matter what. You take as many out as you can, and you watch out for others." Anthony then gave Sam a rifle, and said "Use this. Vince here has one, too, but you're gonna need it." Sam nodded, as Anthony looked at him, and said "Listen to me, if I don't make it back" "Stop" Sam interrupted. "Just in case" said Anthony. "I don't make it back, don't break down like I did. Don't collect walkers, don't brutally murder people, and don't blame yourself Sam. It will be okay."

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