Finally done with the weapons I head out and take a bite of her burger on my way out. I think I am the only one she ever shares her food with and believe me, she doesn't share her food easily. So I guess I am pretty special. Julian attempts to do the same but instead gets tripped by her and almost falls on the ground. "You let her eat" he fights and she scoffs "Yeah she's she and you are. Well you" 

I let the pair leave to quarrel and open the door and step into my bedroom into my apartment. Shutting it back behind me I pull the painting back above it effectively hiding the door. On my way out I take my car keys out of the holder and head outside. 


The car engine dies down as I twist the key and take it out. The streets are buzzing with people as they carry on with their lives. I step out, shut the door behind me and take a look around to look out for anything suspicious but don't see anyone sticking out in particular.

I look at the cafe on the opposite side of the street and head towards it while keeping my pace at a normal pace and blending in with the others. The wind chimes ringing signal my arrival and a man from behind the counter looks up. 

He rings a bell and gives me a small nod. Without stalling a moment longer I head towards the back door which is restricted only for the staff members. No one even blinks an eye in my direction and continue with their work. 

I open the door only to come face to face with someone. I take a step back in surprise and he looks down at me with a frown "You're late"

He turns and starts moving away from the door. This whole two words one sided conversation was so bizarre that I look at his retreating back in confusion and then shut the door and follow him. We pass through another set of doors and enter a half constructed concrete room. The walls are not painted and the solid concrete on all sides are preventing any light from entering.

"And what are you doing hanging out in the back of a coffee shop ?" 

He goes upstairs and I follow after him, having no idea where we are going . "Waiting for your lazy ass to arrive. I was afraid you'll pull an old stunt and not show up" he bites back. I grit my teeth at his remark. Yeah you know very well exactly why I wouldn't have wanted to show up you son of a- 

No his mother has no hand in him being an ass

We reach the landing of the stairs and he clicks a button for the elevator which soon arrives. We both enter the the elevator and I stand on the opposite side from him as far as possible. He is leaned back against the wall on my opposite side with his hands resting behind him on the rod and his ankles crossed in front of him. 

Only then I notice a small cup which he is holding in his one hand. It feels weird being in a small space near him after not seeing him for years. A few weeks ago I was so sure that one day I'll kill him and be finally rid of him. I would have laughed if someone had told me that I will be standing a few feet across from Lorenzo Vincente Rosiello without ripping his heart out. 

I take in a deep breath to rid of the memories that are threatening to resurface after seeing him. One thing I know for sure is that no matter what I will make him pay for what he did. This deal with them is just a minor inconvenience in my plans but when this mission will be over nothing will stop me from taking my revenge.

He brings his cup up to his lips and takes a sip of his drink all while keeping his eyes on me. His eyes move from my face to my hair which are tied up in a bun. He takes in my attire which is just a black T- shirt which is a few sizes bigger than me seeing as it really isn't mine and faded baggy blue jeans.

The elevator stops and he averts his eyes from me. The doors slide open and we step outside and go down a hallway. This place is a total contrast of what I saw downstairs. 

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