◭27. Run Away

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

It's been a while...a while since Jin's and Namjoon's misery began. Since the day they were pulled into the dark abyss of the filth that we call evil and darkness. Pain and grief are what filled both beings. Being pushed into the daily torture of being with the dark kings and getting abused by them was something that not everyone could handle. It was normal for Jin and Joon to either get beaten or raped every day. Absolutely nothing new at this point.

After being both mentally and physically hurt by Jimin, Jin would always be furious at the fact that he couldn't do anything, at the fact that he was so...weak. All he wanted was to free his love, his Namjoon. But here he was, caught in lies that included pain and abuse. But there was still nothing he could do about it. He was too weak to fight Jimin, obviously because he was so strong and powerful. But still.

It was also filthy how both of the kings would abuse their so-called loves, and then after that, whisper sweet apologies and words and then say that Jin or Namjoon should have listened. It was truly pathetic. And all of this mess has been going on for nearly 2 months. Yes, Jin and Namjoon have been trapped for literally 2 months now.

After this much time of being trapped, they both started to lose faith and hope, but their love for each other was still strong and well. Though, they still had to somehow let out their emotions for each other through something. And well they did! Jimin once felt really sympathetic to Jin so he decided to give him a diary where he could write his thoughts in and he truly promised to never even look at it.

He knew that after the amount of times he had hurt Jin, the poor soul must have so much to say but no one to say it to, so he gave Jin a place to write it all down. First Jin didn't feel too sure about it, but when he saw that Jimin never even tried getting his dairy, he believed him. And that's how Jin wrote his emotions about his pain and Namjoon through poetry. Back when he was alive, he frequently used to write dark and depressing poems. But as he entered university, he had less time to do what he loved and eventually stopped doing it.

Poetry was the only true way that had ever let out his emotions fully. It was the one thing that made him be honest with himself and truly spill out all the despair that was heavily held inside his chest. He was a fan of more of the dark and pessimistic poems, though his words were something to be called beauty in their own way. Here are some of his most favourite poems.

'The pain of my filthy life, bottled up deep inside me. All the dark misery of my past, shattered far inside me. All the happiness I used to feel, destroyed away inside me. Nothing can change me. Because everything is burned and destroyed

, deep inside me.'

For Namjoon, he still played the piano and occasionally drew random pictures of things that he liked, which included Jin. Taehyung said that if Joon behaved that might let him play the piano, and well, that was one of the only things that made him survive in this unwanted and horrifying place. Joon was also given a diary like Jin, but unlike him, he just drew in it. It eased him, not as much as the warmth of Jin and the feeling of the keys of the piano.

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