⨇22. Panic

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

Jin finally came back from searching. Again, he didn't find anything, but he didn't lose his hope, because there is one more dimension to go, and perhaps Namjoon might have gotten some useful information as well. Speaking of Namjoon, where was he? Jin tried to communicate with him through telepathy. And well, his heart dropped deep down a pit. Namjoon wasn't responding. He tried numerous times, but no luck, Namjoon was still not replying anything back.

Jin started panicking because this meant that someone blocked their communication wave, which mostly dark or powerful forces could do. Though, Jin still tried to keep his cool and think positively. Maybe Namjoon was hung up in an interesting conversation with the fairies that he didn't hear Jin's voice. It was very unlikely that what he thinks might have happened, but at this point, he was hoping for anything other than something bad happening to Namjoon.

So soon after giving up on telepathy, he decided to go to the Garden of Fairies himself. He didn't know the way but he could ask someone for help. And that's exactly what he did. Luckily, he soon arrived at his desired destination. He entered the park with a panicked face and a poor racing heart.

There were loads of fairies of various colours, just randomly flying and chit-chatting with their fellow others. As soon as Jin entered, all attention went to him and quickly murmurs and whispers started flowing through the crowd. Things like, "Oh my goodness! Isn't he the handsome ghost from the paranormal world?!" Only mutterings were heard among the flying creatures. And if you didn't know, then Jin was actually very famous among the fairies and angels due to his heavenly looks, charming personality, and heart-warming kindness. Though, Jin couldn't care less about the eyes that went on him.

He soon stopped in front of the beautiful fairy, also known as the head fairy who was feeding the fishes in the pond but at times glancing at Jin due to how stunning he looked. She tried her hardest to not keep staring at him. She soon noticed that he was in front of her as if waiting to ask a question. "What is that I can help you with, Seokjin, if I am correct?" "Yeah, that's my name. Anyways, can you please tell me if you saw a human that came here, asking some questions around?"

The fairy frowned. "You mean, Kim Namjoon, the human that just entered the paranormal world?" Jin nodded his head. The fairy looked away and pressured her brain to remember if she saw or felt a human entering the garden. Usually, fairies can detect different species around them in a certain amount of range. Jin waited expectantly for an answer. But to his dismay, the fairy shook her head. "Sorry, young man, but I haven't seen or felt that human enter this place." And that's when Jin's breath hitched, a horrified expression flashed through his face. The fairy got concerned at the sudden act. "Are you ok, there?" Jin snapped out of his thoughts and mumbled a hesitant yes before fleeing away from the garden in the terror and rush.

As he sprinted out he felt burning tears running down his ghostly cheeks, as we already know, ghosts can cry as well because they were also once some mere humans, who probably had emotions. Jin felt a pang of guilt keep on punching him in the heart. He couldn't believe that his Namjoon went missing and because of...Jin himself.

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