⊉7. Death Story

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This chapter contains slightly heavy topics! I hope this doesn't trigger anyone

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This chapter contains slightly heavy topics! I hope this doesn't trigger anyone.

Author's POV

How does it feel to have someone who is by your side almost 24/7, and everywhere you go except the bathroom? Well to popular people who have a lot of clingy friends, they might feel annoyed. I said MIGHT, because I am not sure if they do feel annoyed and also because...I am not popular. But to lonely loners like you and me, who are ready to make a friend, it might seem to be the coolest thing in the world. I mean, yes, it might get weird, but come on! The whole world itself is weird.

For Namjoon, he was having a blast. He finally had someone who truly cared for him and someone Namjoon could care for. I mean Jin was a ghost but he still had slight irrelevant worries about him. What if he gets in a fight with a bad ghost? What if ends up going to hell? Just things like these. Now for their chemistry, it was like they were soulmates or something. They had so many similarities and stuff. They were basically the bestest besties.

They also have been best friends for around 4 months. These months were filled with fun memories. And yeah, they couldn't exactly hang out in a normal way cause...Jin was a ghost. He couldn't talk to Joon word to word for the same reason. But still, they found many ways to spend time together. For example, watching Kdramas, watching horror movies late at night and Jin spoiling the mood by telling the actual facts about ghosts. They even tried ghost hunting. It was not quite successful because they nearly got chased by a bad ghost. Though, I still can't believe that Namjoon isn't mentally paranoid after that ghost encounter. Namjoon actually didn't see the ghost but did notice a lot of paranormal activities and Jin confirmed that it wasn't him.

When Namjoon was with Jin, he wasn't scared of anything that came his way. He knew that Jin would protect him. And if there was a way, Namjoon would do the same.

Namjoon bopped his head to the rhythm of the song while finishing his third essay. He took out his ethics book and started doing the last homework. He was still in full hype and singing along to the lyrics. "I told this song was fucking bop didn't I?" He yelled out to Jin who was floating randomly in the air. Namjoon obviously couldn't see him doing that. And one thing that you need to know about Namjoon is that he curses a little bit with people he is extremely close to. I mean he doesn't usually curse, because he didn't have a person who he was close to.

"Yeah, yeah, stop showing off your music taste" A voice called out. Namjoon stopped. He slowly put his pen down, and gently closed the music, he even stopped blinking for a second. "Was that you, Jin?" "Yup!" His voice was the calmest and smoothest voice Namjoon had ever heard in his entire life. It sounded extremely nice.

"BITCH!" Namjoon yelled without any concern because again, no one was in the house. "Why the hell didn't you ever tell me that you can fucking speak!?" "Oh...well...I thought you would freak out-" Jin got cut off. "FUCK YOU! Do you know how shit much frustrating it is to speak to someone and have them reply to you through damn written words?" Ok, maybe Namjoon curses a lot with people he is close to.

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