Chapter Thirty-One

Depuis le début

He knew this was going to happen, but he was so fuled by anger and revenge that before he knew it the next morning, he was standing in front of eight dead bodies with a bloody pair of leather gloves on his hand. There was no witness's, but this Boss keeps tabs on all his employees. Of course he was going to find out, but to be honest, he was expecting a more physical punishment. This was worse, however.

The Boss knew this would be worse. Synn sat in the chair too cooly, knowing what happened to people that sat in the chair before him. He wasn't afraid though. He knew Synn was, not necessarily a good kid, but wasn't so much as evil as the rest of his men were. He watched him closely, and came to notice how he never took on a kill unless the victim had a disgusting fault in their humanity. He let it slide however, as he truly was fascinated by his work, as was everyone else that knew of him, feared him, which is why he earned himself a name in this industry. This Boss liked owning such a killer. For this reason also, he didn't want to harm him, physically.

He hadn't quite figured out why he killed those eight men, but he would. Now wasn't the time for him to start looking men, however. It was a good time to start making Synn into a ruthless killer however. He would need him for what he had planned.

"So, what do ya say?" The Boss asked with an eatahitting grin. He stretched his hand out to Synn who looked at ut once, then glanced at his face. Synn gritted his teeth, knowing he was just teasing him at this point.

"Well it's not like I have much of a fucking choice"


"He has one fucking punchable face" Synn growled, sitting down at the bar beside Alaric. Bruise stared at Synn, slightly shocked he came back in once piece. Alaric looked at Synn and scrutinised him. He couldn't see his face with the hood and whatever but he looked like he was in one piece, unlike what Bruise had said.

"He looks fine" He turned back to Bruise, complaining almost. Synn shot Alaric a side look, catching the disapproval in his tone.

"Sorry to disappoint" He grumbled. Alaric shrugged. Bruise rolled his eyes and started to make Synn a well needed drink.

"What happened? How come you're still alive?" Bruise asked, placing his glass down in front of the young boy. Synn picked it up, finger tips around the rim of the glass as he swirled its contents.

"I gotta pick up my weight. I don't have a choice in who I wanna get rid of anymore" Synn grumbled, taking a sip from the glass. Bruise held his breath. He could tell why he was alive now, this was a far worse punishment for Synn.

"Does that mean I'm your next victim?" Alaric asked casually. Bruise gave him a flat look to which he shrugged.

"You were gonna be my next victim anyway" Synn replied in the same blunt Manor. Alaric smirked slightly at his response, enjoying the banter he gets with the young man. He lifted the glass to his lips to hide it from Bruise, but that man didn't miss it either.

"Did you happen to find out why I'm on the list?" Alaric asked. Once Bruise dropped the bombshell on him, he didn't even get time to question him or process it as Synn had plonked himself down on the stool beside him a moment later. Bruise looked at Synn. Synn shrugged.

"No, but you must have some sort of clue. Who did you piss off enough that you are worth four million?" Synn exhausted. Four million has been the highest offer on the hit list Synn has ever seen. It was odd.

"Four million? That's it?" Alaric said, highly unimpressed that he was only worth that much. Synn turned his head and looked at him incredulously, as did Bruise.

"What do you mean 'is that it's?' You're worth more than I could make in a lifetime" Bruise scoffed. Alaric rolled his eyes at him and took a swig from his glass.

"So what are you gonna do, kill me or what?" He asked Synn casually. Bruise was getting sick if thus casual tone between the two of them, as if they are on the topic or murder. Synn shrugged.

"I would be an easy four million"

"What do you mean easy, you think I don't have people tryna kill me the whole time? And yet I'm still here" Alaric scoffed, once again offended by how Synn sees him as an easy target. He's had a target on his back sice he was a gossin, hell, he just escaped an attempted killing. Alaric thought he was full of shit thinking he could be the one to change that. Bruise smiled to himself, seeing how offended Alaeic was by that.

"Yeah well, they aren't crawling in to your little sisters bed every night, are they?" Synn mumbled cheekily, lifting his glass to him lips but before he could take a drink, his head was slammed down onto the bar top in front of them. Synn groaned, rubbing his forehead while pulling his hood down with his other hand as he lifted his head up. Alaric smiled smugly to himself, watching the young lad from the corner of his eye. He looked ahead of him again, however, he caught Bruise glaring at him disapprovingly.

"You know, my offer still stands" Alaric said after a moment of silence.

"What offer?" Synn said lowly.

"You know what offer" Alaric replied. Synn did know what offer. A while ago, Alaric offered to pay him to be Auroras protector type shit. Synn declined, feeling guilty about it.

"Aurora would kill me if she ever found out"

"Not if you told her first" Alaric said. He turned his body now, so he was facing Synn. "Auroras getting annoyed at Levi for all the guards he has around her the whole time, and me and Levi also had a discussion about it. If I offered him a solution, that I found a very reliable personal guard for Aurora, it could be a win win for all. You still get to hang out with Aurora, Aurora will still have some freedom and Levi can sleep knowing she's protected. Plus, I'll pay you good money" Alaric really tried to convince him here. It was a good fucking plan. Synn couldn't lie, it did sound appealing. There was only one thing stalling him.

"What about our boss, he's not gonna let me go" Synn pointed out.

"So don't tell him you're leaving. Tell him its a part of your plan to kill me or something. That it would be too difficult to go about it your usual way so your gonna play me instead" Alaric suggested. Synn finally turned to face him too.

"You're very keen on this" He stated. Alaric shrugged.

"I'd just do anything to make sure you won't kill me" Alaric said, though obviously joking. Synn shook his head, smirking to himself. Alaric watched his hood as he did so. His heart was beating fast, anxious. He really wanted this to work, it would solve alot of his problems. Sure, it might take Levi some convincing, but he could do it.

The clocks were turning in Synns heart slide mad. Of course, he wanted to do it, but it was risky. If his boss found out he was lying, he would be dead. Point blank. But was it a risk he was willing to take.

Alaric stood his hand out in front of Synn. Synn looked down at it. Thinking. Eventually he downed the rest of his drink and closed Alarics hand. With a firm shake, he had just made a deal with the devil himself. He only hoped he wouldn't regret it.

Synn nodded his head and stood up. Alaric turned back around the the front with a huge sense of relief. Synn threw a tenner down onto the counter then pocketed his wallet as he walked away. Before he did however, swiped his leg around one of the legs on Alarics chair, result in it to fall with Alaric also falling to the ground. He gritted his teeth in anger and turned to look at Synn walking away smugly. Synns mocking tone in his comment as he did so only annoyed him further.

"Don't fuck with my face. It's art"

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