Chapter 32

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Author's Note:

My favourite picture of them 😆


Jongkook's POV

I parked my car along the alleyway. It was fate that I found a spot infront of the cafe. I scanned the cafe. It looks pretty old yet stable. I hoped that Somin was still here. Walking towards the entrance, I opened the door. Cool air engulfed me and the scent of coffee filled my nose. The interior looked cozy and pleasing to my eyes as I looked around for a second.

The staffs welcomed me warmly as I greeted them back. I casually walked to the counter and ordered a cold brew coffee. As I waited for my order, I finally glanced around the cafe. In my head, I was chanting 'please be here' while I shook my leg nervously.

And there she was, with her back facing me. It was a miracle because it took me 15 minutes to get here. How was she still here? I realised that she was alone. I let out a relieved sigh. At the right time, my order was ready. Muttering my thank you to the staff, I quickly headed to her table as I took a deep breath. I could feel her eyes on me as I sat across her. I looked up, meeting her widened eyes.

Her mouth was agape and I could see the thoughts behind her eyes. "What..." She trailed off until I noticed her eyes hardening. "No," A whisper and then, she was up and walking out of the cafe. I was surprised but I moved to my feet and followed her, leaving my coffee behind. "Somin," I called out to her as both of us got out the cafe. Thankfully, there wasn't a crowd so the alleyway was empty except the both of us and a few other people.

"Wait, Somin," I caught up to her and blocked her way from walking any further. Her chest heaving up and down. Her eyes on the ground. I hesitantly reached out to her, grabbing her hand. I let out a sigh of relief when she didn't pull away. I led us to a hidden corner so we weren't in the middle of the alleyway. "Come on, Somin. Why did you turn off your phone?" I asked softly.

She slowly looked up to meet my eyes. Hee lips pressed into a thin line. "What are you doing here?" She whispered. "So that I could see you, of course. I can't just leave you angry at me," I answered. "I wasn't angry at you," She stated. "The amount of missed calls you'll see on your phone from me says otherwise."

Her lips twitched. "I'm sorry, okay? I was being frustrated. It was as if you didn't trust me," She explained. "How can you say that? I trust you. It's just that, you know, Lee Minki is a nice man," I cleared my throat. Her eyes shimmered. "So, you're jealous then?" She teased. I scoffed before shrugging.

"He's your ex after all, right? He knows how your lips taste, how your hands feel and how your eyes shine," I emphasised every adjectives and I could see her cheeks reddening. "Too bad for him though, I'm the one with you now," I continued, leaning back against the alleyway's wall and placing my hands on her hips.

Somin leaned forward with me and put her hands on my shoulder. "I cannot deal fighting with you," I admitted. "Wasn't that the only thing we did before dating?" She said. Both of us bursted out laughing. "You know that's not what I meant," I muttered before finally, pulling her into my arms. Her arms wrapped around my waist as I nuzzled her hair.

I inhaled her feminine scent. God, I've missed her. It has only been, what? A week? She was so busy with the preparation of her drama, I couldn't see her. I pulled away from her, placing my hand on her cheek. She looked up at me with those endearing eyes. I am in trouble, really.

I leaned down, capturing her soft lips. She tasted like coffee and pure sweetness. Our lips moved passionately and I was drowning, drowning, drowning. If a kiss could get you drunk, I'd be a mess everytime I'm with her. She bit my bottom lip teasingly and I squeezed her waist as a warning.

I pulled away, licking my lips. I caressed her eyebrows before putting some distance between us because I do not know what would happen if I held her any longer. "Are you still mad?" I asked with a teasing tone. She rolled her eyes playfully before reaching for my hand, interlocking our fingers.

"Now, where's your car?" She pulled me along as we got out of the alleyway.

Narrator's POV

"So, what did you do with him?" Jongkook asked curiously as they waited for the green light. Somin shrugged. "Just catching up with each other. He seemed to like talking about the past, apparently," She paused. "Did you know that it was his first drama in a year? I was shocked when I heard that," She added.

Jongkook raised an eyebrow at that information. "He got offers in that one year?" He was trying to get something from that information. "He mentioned he got a few but he didn't know when was the right time to act in one," Somin explained. She tiredly leaned against the window, staring at the busy traffic. The traffic light finally turned green to Jongkook's delight.

As he drove, he processed what Somin said in his head. After all, he's a man. He knows what other guys intentions are. He glanced at her, noticing her droopy eyes. "Maybe, he accepted this one...because of you," He said carefully. She looked at him in confusion, breaking free from her tiredness. "Because of me? That's abit dramatic, isn't it?" She laughed softly.

"You said he brought up the past, right? For all I know, he likely mentioned a few things from your past relationship with him," Jongkook shrugged as he deduced. Somin stared at him suspiciously. "Were you there?" That made him laugh. "I'm just stating the obvious," He said. She kept quiet for a moment.

"Well, he did mention a few things from the relationship I had with him. The cafe wasn't even my idea," She hesitated before continuing. "That cafe was where him and I used to go to and he suggested to go there," She mentioned. Jongkook was surprised. "That really means something then, Somin-ah," He told her after a few seconds of silence.

"Mean what?" She asked in confusion. The upcoming traffic light turned red and as the car halted, Jongkook met her eyes. "That he still wants you," He stated. "That's crazy, oppa. No. It's been 10 years," She laughed it off. "The years that passed doesn't matter but the feelings that stayed? It's a different story," He said.

"Now, look, I'm honestly blabbering and maybe, he just wants to befriend with you by reminiscing the past," He continued and the light turned green once again. "But if he does make any move, just let me know, okay? And if somehow, you still have some—" Somin cut him off.

"You're talking nonsense, oppa. I'm literally with you. I want to be with you. I love...," She trailed off when she realised the words that were coming out. "," She continued because what was the point anymore. Was this it? She thought. How I'm confessing my love to him? She grimaced on the inside. Jongkook glanced at her in surprise but couldn't react properly since he was driving.

She cowered in shyness, facing the window. She banged her head softly, groaning internally. "You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now," Jongkook laughed. "Shut up," Somin mumbled shyly. "And if you're wondering," He stopped and so did the car when he pulled up at the side of a quieter road.

He swiftly unbuckled the seatbelt and placed his hand on her cheek, gently pulling her towards him so that they could face each other. She closed her eyes, wanting to avoid the embarrassment. He grinned at the sight. She was so perfect. For him. With him. He nuzzled her nose with his before saying, "I love you too."


Author's Note:

Hello!! Thank you so much for 7k+ reads. Everytime I think I'm not doing well, y'all prove me otherwise :) Thanks for still anticipating this story too. Literally, my schedule is still hectic during the holidays but tbh, I've been reading instead of writing so sorry for that 😬 Pretty sure I'll be ending this story ASAP but I also don't want to rush it ;( Let's see in the meantime. Thanks for reading!

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