Chapter 14

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Narrator's POV

Somin's heart was pumping as she barged into Jongkook's room without knocking. She had regretted that action as soon as she saw three pair of eyes staring at her with wide eyes.

It was Jongkook, his manager and his stylist. Jongkook's eyes softened when he realised why she had just barged into his room like that. Somin thinned her lips and muttered an apology to the other two individuals.

They awkwardly waved it off and excused themselves, leaving her with Jongkook. She exhaled and looked at him with a glare. She closed the door gently.

He sighed in the empty room, placing his phone down. He was ready to hear her naggings. Unexpectedly, she was silent. She took a few steps closer to him until there was a meter of space between them.

They held each other's eyes. Both exchanging words from their eyes. Her eyes sharp. His eyes soft. Jongkook looked away first, admitting defeat.

"Somin-" He was about to explain himself until she cut him off. "No. You don't even get to apologise for this. I told you that I will be alright. Which part didn't you understand?" Somin's voice was hard and it was obvious she was in a rage.

Jongkook took a few seconds to answer carefully. "I just thought you might need help, Somin. That's all," He explained.

"And I told you that I didn't need help! Did I even need help back there? No. I'm not some damsel in a distress, sunbae," She stated.

His heart flared when he heard her call him 'sunbae' once again. "Are you really going to do this? I was just worried for you as a senior and as a colleague. You can't blame me for that!" He argued, feeling unfair.

She scoffed in disbelief. She suddenly nodded her head. "Yeah, fine. I'm incredibly indebted to you for taking care of me when I told you that I do not need such care. And what? Do you think I'll break down every five seconds infront of a camera?" Somin bickered.

Jongkook, on the other hand, felt wronged and as the world knew, he was a short-tempered person.

"You want me to say it? Alright! You're not ready for these reality shows, Somin," He stated, straightforwardly.


She snickered. "Who do you think you are to tell me what I am capable of?" Somin raised her voice in annoyance.

"Do you think I actually have time to comment on your flaws? That's your problem. I am only here because it's my duty as your guide," Jongkook's chest heaved up and down, feeling stuffy in the small room.

She dared to take a step closer to him and challenged him with her eyes. "Is that true, then? I'm pretty sure you're the one 𝗯𝗲𝗴𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴 to stay near me."


"You know, I am curious. Why you desperately want me to call you 'oppa'. Why you need to be my side when I clearly can handle any circumstances by myself," She took another step closer and he backed away, taking a step backwards.

She continued until he felt his back hit against the wall. "Are you really just my guide and my senior? Your eyes.." She trailed off, scanning his face as he felt his breathing slow down at the distance between them.

"..tell me something different." Her eyes flickered up from his heaving chest to his eyes. She suppressed her smirk and took a step back.

"Well. I'm satisfied now that I got to nag you. Please don't do this again. I know you're trying to be nice but when I say I'm okay, I am okay, alright?" Somin smiled one last time and turned around to leave.

"You're curious about why I want you to call me 'oppa', right?" His question made her stop. She turned around and raised an eyebrow.

He took a step forward, finally feeling like the dominant one. Her head tipped upwards slightly as he somehow seemed bigger.

He suddenly reached out and tug something on her hair. It was a loose extension. Her cheeks blushed slightly of embarrassment. She was about to snatch it away from him until he clenched it in his fist and brought his hand to his side.

"Somin, you.." He cut himself off, considering his words. "Do you want it unkindly or kindly?" His lips tugged upwards as he asked her.

"Whatever suits you best," She gave him a challenging smile. "You are a mystery. There. How you speak and act with others. I want to be involved too. Forget about the formality, Somin. I'm curious about you," He felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders after he said that.

Somin's eyes shimmered in amusement. She suddenly gripped his wrist. Somehow, her fingers trailed down to his hand and smoothly opened his palm, which contained her loose extension.

Her heartbeat was racing from such a bold statement. His heartbeat was racing from the physical contact she just boldly did.

She took it and clenched it in her fist. His eyes was just on her throughout the whole process with an amused expression. "Alright. So that's what you were frustrated about? That's lovely," She teased and smiled sincerely, showing her gums.

"You want to know me better, out of interest? Out of jealousy that everyone knows me better than you do? Or just, you know, work stuff?" Her nose scrunched when she asked the last guess.

He chuckled at her words. "Whatever that you want to believe."

"So. Deal, Somin?" He held out his hand as a form of truce and agreement to figuring each other out.

"Deal, Jongkook oppa," She took his hand and met eyes with him, holding the intense but friendly stare.

All she thought was how fun it was going to be. All he thought was how soft her hand was.

Somin's POV

Oh, I'm in so much fun.

Jongkook's POV

Oh, I'm in so much trouble.


Author's Note:

Some of you might notice I changed the written synopsis that I had on my description for this story! I just had to change it because of the situation the characters were having, yikes. My bad.

Anyways, I hope y'all are not bored of the slow burn romance! It gets better, I promise. And don't you just love the trope when the guy falls first? :P

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