Chapter 11

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Narrator's POV

I hung up the call with my manager after confirming to shoot 'My Little Old Boy' next week. It has been a few days since my talk with Jongkook oppa. My mind kept on wandering back to the conversation.

I slightly regretted calling him with the term,'oppa', but the deed has been done. He did look shocked. Well, what could I say? I can be surprising at times.

5 more days until 'My Little Old Boy'. For now, I totally need to rest since I have a shooting tomorrow for my new drama. Nevertheless, I always put a smile on my face, despite the exhaustion.

Jongkook's POV

It was my 3rd movie of the day. There was no schedules for me and unlike on TV, I actually do not exercise every hour. With the loud noises from the movie, 'Sabotage', I didn't realise that my phone was ringing aloud.

It was a call from the producer of 'My Little Old Boy'. "Hello?" I greeted. "Hi, Jongkook. Sorry to disturb you. Are you busy?" He asked.

"Oh no, I'm free. What do you want to talk about?" I turned off the TV for a moment. "Nothing much, I just wanted to get back to you about Somin-ssi as a guest next week," He answered.

Oh, well. I already knew her answer. "Yeah?" I went along. "She accepted the invitation willingly," He continued.

I sighed softly. "So, I'll have to go then since I'm guiding her,yeah? I'm cool with that," I mentioned. "Oh. Good to know! Well, look. It's great news but there was one condition that she included."

I kept quiet for a second. Condition? "Which is?" I asked. "She insisted that you musn't come along," He replied.

My eyes widened and I scoffed slightly. "What? Why?" I questioned. "She says that she's confident and she felt that she didn't need you to stay by her side since she already has a manager, who could take care of her. I understand where she's coming from," He said.

"Now that I think about it, she'll probably be alright since she seems pretty composed from all the variety and reality shows she's been in," He added.

Composed? She literally had an anxiety attack last time. "Since I'm her guide, I'll see about that. No one ever knows what happens offscreen," I stated.

I heard him cleared his throat. "Yeah, true. Well, that's her condition. If, maybe, you have a talk with her and things changes, do update me, alright?" He continued.

"Alright," I confirmed. We hung up after talking about other matters. I glanced at my phone and debated whether or not to confront Somin about this.

But why did her condition pissed me off so much? Does she really want me to not stay,even as her guide? Or was she doing this to get me out of embarrassment?

For some reason, I could not just let that go. Heck, I'll even try to convince her that she needs me.

Narrator's POV

Somin was preparing to go to bed until her phone buzzed, indicating a text message. She sighed and checked her phone.

She frowned slightly at the sight. It was Jongkook. Why was he texting her at 11pm?

Somin then went on and read his message.

The Text Message:

Jongkook Sunbae


Are you asleep? I apologise if I'm disturbing you.

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