Chapter 24

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Narrator's POV

Somin waved Jongkook a goodbye as the elevator doors closed. She wanted to walk him to his car but he insisted that it was okay since it was getting late. They had talked for a few hours and didn't realised the time. She smiled to herself as the recent moments between them, flashed through her mind.

She got back to her house and grabbed her phone to see a message from her manager.


The Text Message:

Mr Kim~

Somin-ah, I have good news for you!


What is it?


Somin waited in anticipation as Mr Kim was typing. It was rare of him to text her at this late timing for such good news.


You are offered another drama!

Isn't that great?

Oh my god! Are you serious?

That's amazing. Who's the director?

Director Lee Joon Ik-nim. Isn't his projects great? I remember you saying that you are a huge fan of his projects.

Are you kidding me? The director, Lee Joon Ik, who directed Sunny and Hope?

Pretty sure that's him!

I would've called you if I wasn't out to pick some groceries for my wife. There's alot of information to tell you about.

Oh, no worries, Mr Kim. We can talk about it when you are free!

Thank you so much for telling me. It made my night so much better.

I'm just passing the message to you. You don't need to thank me! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow when I fetch you for the drama shooting.

Alright then. Have a good night!


Somin's POV

I smiled softly at the message. It wasn't common for me to get offers for kdrama. I knew that I was one of those unpopular actresses. Although I loved getting into new genres of entertainment, acting was always my main passion.

So, getting opportunites like this made me look forward in life more. I sighed happily to myself and got into my bed, letting my sleepy state take me into dreamland.

Narrator's POV

Somin was walking to her set for her drama with a contented heart. She wasn't late this time. She greeted the staffs before heading towards her waiting room to get ready.

She gave a smile to her stylists before taking a seat. As they styled Somin's clothes, hair and did her makeup, Mr Kim went through the important details for the new offer of another drama.

"So, the great news is you're the main female lead of this drama, along with your main male lead," Mr Kim continued as he flipped through a set of script. Somin hummed in response as her other make-up stylist, Hajin, put on her lipstick. Somin smacked her lips before asking a question. "What's the genre of the drama?"

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