Chapter 30

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Narrator's POV

Somin bowed respectfully to every person in the room as the meeting ended. Her body ached from sitting for 3 hours. She took the pleasure of stretching her body as soon as she got out of the room. She realised in agony that she was getting older and groaned at that thought.

She didn't want to go to the car immediately so she took her time and head towards the restroom. She splashed cold water on her face, patting her cheeks. She felt slightly better and refreshed. She checked herself in the mirror, fixing her hair before getting out of the restroom. She took a couple of minutes, leaning against the wall and kneading her muscles to soothe herself.

"Hey," A deep voice called out to her from behind, startling her. She let out a small gasp at the sudden approach since she was busily stretching her limbs. She turned and had to tilt her head upwards to meet a set of familiar eyes. Lee Minki.

He gave her an amused smile, noticing her startled expression. She relaxed and let out a exasperated breath. She nodded her head to greet him. "Hello, sunbae," She mumbled under her breath as she massaged her left shoulder with her right hand. He glanced at the action and his smile widened.

"Tired?" He asked, leaning against the wall as he tilted his head to scan her. Somin jokingly rolled her eyes. "Not at all," She sarcastically answered. An uncomfortable silence fell between them and she was unsure whether or not to fill up the silence. She just kept quiet, keeping herself busy with massaging her temples and what not.

"So, how are you?" He broke the silence, looking far into the distance before them. She was fascinated at that question, somehow. I mean, it had been a decade. 10 whole years since she saw him in person. It felt so nostalgic. Like a memory from the past that resurfaced, right infront of her eyes.

"I'm okay," She paused. "Been busy. The usual, you know?" She croaked out, keeping the reply simple. He nodded. "That's good. You know, I've watched Running Man since it started so I was surprised to know that you joined them," He mentioned. Her ears perked up at that. "Yeah, I was happy to be casted," She asked. "Good for you. You're a great addition to the show," He said.

She almost snorted at the choice of his words. "Thanks. Glad that you think so," She just accepted his words with a small smile. Another uncomfortable silence fell between them and Somin was about to make up an excuse to leave until Minki voiced out timidly. "I was, uh, wondering if you want to catch up on stuff? You know, with a meal, or anything," He suggested, shrugging his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.

She gulped at that. She knew he was asking that to catch up on their life or whatsoever. However, she couldn't help but think of Jongkook. It's her life and choice to decide whether or not to hang out with Minki but it did seem inappropriate since he was her ex-boyfriend. Minki noticed her hesitation and quickly explained.

"Look, I'm not going to pressure you. I know we had...a past but I'm just inviting you to a meal as a friend. If not that, as an acquaintance. Whatever makes you feel comfortable," He said with a small smile. Somin slowly nodded at his words. After a few seconds, she then decided.

"Alright, it doesn't sound so bad. Plus, it'll be great to work up on our mood and chemistry on set next week," She added. His shoulders relaxed at her decision. A smile crept onto his face. "Yes, that's true too," He realised. "So, you want to go together or you'll just follow my car?" He asked. Somin decided quickly on this. "I'll just follow your car. Where are we going?" She questioned as they walked to the carpark, where both of their managers were waiting.

Minki's smile widened at that. His eyes seemed to twinkle. "Hey, remember that coffee shop we used to go?" He asked. She slightly tensed at his words, not too comfortable with the sudden mention of that place. After all, it was that place, where she broke up with him. She regained composure and stiffly nodded. "Sure. You want to go there?" She asked.

He nodded and stopped his tracks, making her stop too. He faced her. "You don't mind, right?" His eyes wandered around her face. She made sure to look composed. She shrugged. "It's just a place we used to go to," She said. His adam's apple bobbed up and down at her words. A flicker of pain seemed to flash by his eyes but she wasn't sure. He looked away and just nodded as he cleared his throat.

He stepped away and gave her a tensed smile. "Well, I'll see you there then," He gave a small wave before walking away to his car. She watched him for a few seconds, exhaling a few deep breaths before she went towards her car. She didn't know if it was the right choice. But she knew that she had to tell Jongkook about this. Misunderstandings was the worst thing to happen in a relationship, after all.

Jongkook's POV

I was practicing my vocals to warm it up for an upcoming show until my phone rang, interrupting my focus. I clicked my tongue in annoyance as I picked up my phone. The annoyance quickly went away when my eyes laid on the caller ID. It was Somin. I grinned at the thought of her. She must've finished her meeting.

"Hello?" Her soft voice greeted me. "Hey," I said, relaxing my voice. "You sound croaky," She mentioned, a playful tone in her comment. I snickered at that but still cleared my throat before answering her. "Yeah, well. I was warming up my voice for a show," I explained. I heard her laugh and my heart instantly warmed.

"So, what's up?" I asked, curious as to why she called me. "Your girlfriend needs a reason to call you?" Her voice was softer, as if she was hiding from someone. "You know that's not what I mean," I said. She let out another laugh. "Alright alright,"  She paused. "I need to tell you something," Her tone was more serious now and I had to sit down to hear what she wanted to say.

"So, Minki sunbae," Her ex-boyfriend. "He, uh, invited me out on a meal. As friends, of course," She said. As friends, huh? My nose flared, my heart burned. Jealousy is probably the most pettiest feeling ever. "Only the both of you?" I made sure to keep a calm tone. "Yeah," She croaked out. "It's your choice if you want to go," I added. That was true. So what if I was jealous? I wasn't going to be a possessive boyfriend like in those cliché dramas.

"I know. That's why I'm going," She mentioned. Ah, so she was going to go. Why did I hate that fact? "Okay," I said. "That's it?" She asked. "What do you want me to say? 'Don't go?' I'm not that clingy, Somin," The tone I didn't intend to voice out made me cringe. It sounded harsh. She was quiet for a few seconds.

"I was just worried that you might be mad at the fact that I'm having a meal with him. After all, you're my boyfriend and I wanted you to know," Her tone was defensive. "And I told you that I don't mind, okay? Just go then. Have fun," I was hating myself now. "Really? That's what you have to say when I'm here trying to communicate with you?" She argued. "Oh, don't be dramatic. I just told you that I'm okay with it. Just go and eat with him, will you?" I bickered.

Ah yes, wasn't this why we were nemesis at first? Both of our ego was too big that none of us wanted to step down? "Fine. Whatever, I'll eat and enjoy the meal with him. Bye," She hung up abruptly. I groaned, letting my phone drop onto the couch. I messed up big time. I seriously needed to fix my attitude. I took a few minutes to sort out my thoughts before I called her again.

She didn't pick up. I cursed under my breath. I tried calling her again. Again. Again. For the 5th time, the call was unavailable, which meant she turned off her phone. I cursed into the air now. I didn't even know where she was. I buried my face in my hands. How was I going to sort this out?

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