Chapter 12

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Narrator's POV

A female worker at the restaurant attended to Somin and her manager, Mr Kim. "Table for two?" The female worker with the nametag, ShinAe, asked with a polite smile.

"Yes, that would be perfect," Mr Kim said as both of them followed ShinAe. "Manager-nim. Look at who's here. Oh god," Somin whispered to him and trailed her eyes to Jongkook as Mr Kim followed her eyes.

"Oh wow, it's Jongkook-ssi. Don't you want to say hi?" He asked. Somin just shooked her head and shushed him. Mr Kim was confused but just played along.

But it wasn't to her luck that their table was beside Jongkook's table. "Oh my god," Somin whispered to herself and shut her eyes for a moment before getting back to her senses.

Both of them thanked ShinAe before she left to attend to another customer.

Jongkook's POV

"Your kid addressed you as 'Big Appa(Dad)'? Oh gosh," I laughed at my friend, Dongmae, who was telling a story about his son. "Yeah and not only that, he continued to tease me and pat my belly like a drum," Dongmae added and shooked his head with a smile.

"How's the food, by the way? I kept on talking about my kid that I didn't realise if you are enjoying it," Dongmae asked with a hint of guilt in his voice.

I waved him off. "It's amazing. I would definitely come back for more. How does your wife come up with this?" I complimented the beef radish soup. It was just perfect for me, actually.

Dongmae nodded and grinned. "Sounds about right. I'm proud of her as always," He agreed with love in his eyes. I acknowledged that.

"So about the gym contract—" My words stopped as my eyes scanned the figure next to our table.


Dongmae was confused as to why I stopped talking and looked at her table. I could see his eyebrows raised. "Oh? Is that you, Jungsook-ah?" He seemed to be familiar with Somin's manager.

"Oh! Dongmae? It's been so long since I've seen you. I wanted to eat at your wife's restaurant for awhile. Now, I finally have the chance," Her manager replied.

I was simply listening to their conversation until I looked at Somin, who seemed awkward and her expression was as if she was holding herself back for some reason.

She finally looked up, making eye contact with me. She gave me a small smile and nod her head in respect. I gave her a nod back.

"Is that you also, Somin-ssi? My name is Dongmae. I enjoy seeing you on Running Man!" He greeted with a wide smile. "Jongkook, why the hell are you not saying hi to your junior?" Dongmae urged.

"Just shut up, will you?" I nudged him softly with embarrassment and he looked at me with a confused face.

"Somin-ssi, do you mind changing places? It'd be great if I could catch up with an old friend. You're okay sitting with Jongkook, right?" Dongmae questioned and gripped onto his plate of stir fried rice to bring along to her table.

"Oh, yeah. Sure thing," Somin replied with a hint of hesitance in her voice. I glared at Dongmae's back as he changed seats. Somin then swapped her seat and sat across me.

I cleared my throat in awkwardness. The atmosphere was so loud and lively but why do I feel so nervous?

Somin's POV

Damn it. What the hell did I do to deserve this? I tried to keep a cool face before facing my fate. I glanced at Jongkook oppa's plate in curiousity.

My stomach grumbled as I gulped down my saliva. "What's that?" I asked, pointing at his food. "It's beef radish soup," He replied.

"Oh, that looks good. I'll order it then," I said with small smile and pressed the button to call the workers.

After I ordered, we were back in silence. "What.." He trailed off. "What are you here for?" Jongkook oppa questioned, meeting my eyes.

"I have an interview later on so I'm grabbing a bite before I go," I answered. "Oh." He simply said. The silence filled the air once again. "Sorry if I disrupted your sleep yesterday," He suddenly apologised.

"Oh, that," My mind was filled once again with yesterday's conversation. "Look, sunbae," I started.

His intense stare at how I called him made me stiff for a second but I ignored it. "Do you really think I'll make a situation when I'm there?" I asked with certain curiousity.

He sighed, placing his spoon down. "I'm worried that you're going to have an anxiety attack, okay? Don't misunderstand. Anyone would want to be there for someone who has anxiety attacks," He explained.

A male worker suddenly placed the beef radish soup on the table, interrupting our conversation and I thanked him before I continued to talk to Jongkook oppa.

"I appreciate your concern but I'll be okay. Trust me on this, alright?" I assured him.

He sighed and just shrugged, picking up his spoon to eat. "Shall we talk about how you should call me then?" He brought the name-calling topic. I groaned internally.

"You desperately want to be called 'oppa' so bad, huh?" I teased to ease the atmosphere. His lips tugged upwards slightly.

"Well, you call every Running Man guy members, except for Sechan, 'oppa', so I was just curious," He pointed it out.

"Sounds like jealousy to me," I smirked at his words and ate my dish. I hummed in satisfaction at the deep broth. My stomach is definitely satisfied.

"Yeah?" His eyes met mine with a small smile. "Yeah, oppa," I emphasised 'oppa' with a cheeky smile as he chuckled softly.

My heart warmed slightly at the sight. Oh wow. Did I just made this man laugh?

Jongkook's POV

"See? It wasn't so bad," I uttered with a sense of pride. It was so damned that I could feel my heart fluttering at that.

She shooked her head with a soft smile. "Now, let me eat this soup, oppa. It's genuinely so good," Somin was devouring the food with a satisfied look on her face.

Shit, why do I feel like a teenager at the moment? For the first time with Somin, I've never felt so comfortable. Deep down, I knew that this was my idea of being an exceptional guide for her. Not even a guide, but a colleague. Or even better, a friend.

Somin's POV

Surprisingly, I was at ease having a conversation with Jongkook oppa. After having constant small arguments with him everytime we meet eyes, it's great to have a pleasant talk.

Jongkook oppa and I ate in comfortable silence for awhile until Mr Kim and Dongmae-ssi brought up a topic for us to talk about together.

Our short meal together continued like that until the plates and bowls were empty. Eventually, we had to say our goodbyes since I had to rush for my interview.

My Guide // ON HOLDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें