Chapter 25

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Narrator's POV

Somin walked into the set of Running Man with a delighted smile. The weather was perfect for the day, allowing her to wear a pencil skirt she recently bought. She rolled up the long sleeves of her button-up shirt to her elbow, making her look casual. She was in a good mood as her manager confirmed the drama with the director and was informed that a meeting will be held in a few weeks, to go through the script.

Not only that, it was going to be the first time seeing Jongkook after a few days of constant work. They facetimed from time to time, only for either of them to fall asleep during the call. Both of them had laughed and playfully teased each other the next day, calling just to say how annoying they looked while asleep.

Though, Jongkook found it cute when Somin had a habit of tucking her lips between her teeth during her sleep, while Somin found it cute when Jongkook mumbled to himself randomly during his sleep.

Somin shut down her thoughts as her eyes wandered around the set, to see Haha, Jaeseok, Kwangsoo and Sechan chattering around. She greeted them cheerfully as they smiled back, turning their attention towards her.

Jongkook's POV

I massaged my temple, feeling nauseous. Damn it, why now out of all moments? My head was spinning around and I had no idea why. Either way, I felt a lump coming up of my throat and it felt unpleasant. I forced it back down as I exhaled a sigh.

"Hey, you okay?" My stylist, Haeun, asked. It seemed like she noticed as she was packing up her stuff. I forced a smile and nodded, not being able to voice out. Shit, my throat burned now. She gave me an unconvinced look but muttered an 'okay' before leaving me in the room alone.

Out of sudden, a voice called out my name. A head popped in through the doorway. "Jongkook-ssi, we're starting in a few minutes," I glanced at the male staff, Yoonhwa, as I cleared my throat. "I need to go to the restroom, I'll be there in a bit," I informed the staff. He just nodded and walked away hurriedly to probably call the others.

I released a breath that I was holding before I held the lump in my throat that was coming up. What the hell was happening to me? A sudden urge to vomit came out of nowhere and I exited the waiting room and ran to the restroom, ignoring the concerned looks staffs were giving me.

I pushed open the door of the restroom and went to the closest stall, emptying my stomach into the toilet bowl. I ensured to empty my stomach properly without touching the toilet bowl. That was horrendous. I've never vomited in awhile. My throat felt dry as I flushed down the toilet a couple of times before going out of the stall.

I rinsed my mouth thrice, still feeling nauseous. Should I head home? I didn't know what was going on. I groaned, shutting my eyes. The door of the restroom opened as my head snapped to the sudden intrusion. It was my manager, Jung Hanryuk. "Hyung," I greeted him. He's been my manager for a long time so I was comfortable calling him casually.

"Saw you running to the restroom. What happened? You look pale," He came closer, crossing his arms. His expression showed that he was worried. I shooked my head, waving my hand to assure him that I was fine. "No, I'm all good. I just—" Shit. I moved to the nearest stall and let out another awful vomit.

"Shit, Jongkook. You're sick," He rushed near the stall, wanting to do something but I held up a hand to stop him. I flushed down the toilet again with a sigh before going to the sink and rinsed my mouth a few times. He shooked his head. "This won't do. I'll inform the producer you're not feeling well. Wait for me in the waiting room and we'll go to a clinic," He said firmly. I was about to say something before he gave me a pointed glare. I was too tired to argue anyway.

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