Chapter 5

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Narrator's POV

Somin groaned as her alarm woke her up. She turned it off quickly and sat up from her bed, rubbing her eyes. She stretched with a long sigh and squinted her eyes at the clock on the wall.

It was 9am. She smiled to herself, knowing what day it was. Monday, a new start of the week. With 3 more hours to go until the shooting of another Running Man episode, she showered and ate a light breakfast.

With positive thoughts and high hopes for the shooting later, Somin excitedly picked out an outfit for the day. Denim jeans and black sweater that was suitable for the cool weather. Her long dyed black hair was down as she ran her hand through it.

"When should I dye it brown again?" She wondered suddenly as she realised that its been a few months she had dyed it black. She shrugged and continued to brush her hair as her mind wandered.

On the other hand,Jongkook was up from 9am to jog around his neighbourhood. What better routine to start the day than to jog in the morning? That's what Jongkook always remind himself of, whenever he tries to laze around.

The soft music plugged into his ears and he hummed quietly. His eyes paced around the neighbourhood, familiar with every tree, path and colour. With faces that smiled to him everyday, he waved at them without fail.

Such small act would make his heart happy and full. After an hour of jogging, he paced back to his house. As he gulped down a bottle of water, he glanced at his watch, showing 10.20am.

After yesterday's announcement, he and Haha has asked many questions about this guide plan. It was their first time and to keep it professional, they want to do their best as a senior cast of Running Man.

As answered by the producer, it was mandatory to stick by their side during the shooting. Always answer their questions. Help them if needed. Basically, just guide them.

He sighed, thinking about it for awhile before throwing the thought away. He was curious, nevertheless. How will the first day of him being her guide go?

Somin's POV

My heart clenched as my eyes wandered to Jongkook's sunbae outfit. Oh god. He was wearing short denim jeans and a knitted black sweater. This is an uncanny moment.

Him and I were basically wearing the same outfit except for the measurement of the jeans. How nice. I should've worn pink.

I just kept quiet as I strolled in the waiting room. There were only three members present with their manager and stylists by their side.

Jaeseok sunbae and Sukjin sunbae was facing the door as we bowed and gave each other a small smile. Jongkook sunbae's back was facing me so he couldn't see me.

"Hello, Jongkook sunbae," I approached as he turned and I caught his eyes widening at my outfit before he relaxed his face.

"Somin," He acknowledged me and nod his head before turning his back towards me. What a charming man. I almost rolled my eyes but controlled it.

Jaeseok sunbae and Sukjin sunbae made a small talk with me while Jongkook sunbae just kept quiet. Was he always like this?

30 minutes passed and every member was present. We all strolled infront of the cameras. I was shocked when Jongkook sunbae stood beside me. Was he supposed to be my side as a guide too?

I looked at Sechan and saw Haha sunbae standing beside him. That confirmed my question as I crossed my arms,feeling rigid in this position.

Jongkook's POV

The woman was wearing a similar outfit as me. I am slightly bewildered. I sensed Somin fidgeting as Jaeseok hyung started talking. I sighed,knowing that she was nervous.

She was fine the other day so why was she trembling now?

"Calm down," I whispered as I glanced at her face. She looked at me and pressed her lips in a thin line.

"Yeah, sorry," She croaked out, still fidgeting with her sleeves. I was getting irritated. Pardon my short-tempered ass.

"Somin," I called out. My attention was just on her now. She was freaking out for some reason.

As she didn't reply, I carefully glanced at the cameras. I searched for my cameraman and as he looked at me,I pointed my fingers to Jaeseok hyung. He glanced at Somin,understanding what was happening and moved the camera to Jaeseok hyung instead.

I saw another camera moved and assumed that it was Somin's cameraman as they, too, realised my intention.

Other cameras were focusing on Jaeseok hyung so I moved closer towards Somin.

Narrator's POV

Somin's heartbeat was pounding in her ears. She was panicking. With a voice that called out to her softly, she couldn't respond and kept on fidgeting while taking irregular short breaths.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on her back. She stiffened at the touch and gulped, looking up. She met Jongkook's eyes. For the first time, she felt the need to trust him.

His eyes were warm although his face said otherwise. "Its okay. Take a deep breath," He softly whispered, not really facing her to not be obvious. His body was facing towards the camera but his head turned to her, keeping his eyes on her.

His arm was not too outstretched to hide the obvious patting as his hand moved in a gentle manner. He carefully patted her back instead of rubbing her back like a kid.

She followed his instructions,holding his gaze. Her heartbeat start to slow down as her vision began to clear after a few seconds. She focused on the way he also inhaled and exhaled,his hand patting on her back, following his breaths.

Jongkook's face potrayed a sense of professionalism and concern. Somin knew right there and then that this man wasn't as bad as she thought. Her hands stopped fidgeting and she let go of her sleeves.

She felt his hand pat on her back one last time before pulling away. He took a satisfied sigh as he could detect the nervousness going away. "Better?" He whispered in anticipation. She gave him a weak smile. "Better."

Jongkook nodded and Somin noticed his lips tug upwards slightly before he took a step away from her, giving her some space.

She took one last glance at him before focusing on the other members. Somin now felt indebted. How should she thank him for that?

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