"It doesn't. But that was certainly entertaining to hear. Well done, Althena." Charlie joked, nudging her shoulder.

Everyone but Charlie suddenly halted their movement. Remus stopped Charlie, holding his finger up to his mouth telling him to be quiet.

3 people dressed in all black emerged from the woods, staring at the four intently. 

"Come." An older woman commanded. 

"Stay." Althena quietly said to Remus and Charlie. 

"The human and werewolf comes." A man on the far left said firmly.

The three turned and made their way further down the path the four were taking. By the time they reached the castle, Darren sighed, "Look, I know they won't kill me, at least I think, but if they do–"

"You'll be fine." Althena said, walking inside. 

The castle was old. It was built over 200 years before Hogwarts. Lanterns lit the castle dimly, doing nothing more than highlighting the cobwebs in the corners of the grand ceiling. 

"There's this muggle movie called Drac–"

"Hush." Althena snapped at Darren.

The three vampires walked away as a tall, younger looking vampire emerged from two double doors. Her skin was pale, her fire red hair matching her eyes. The stiff smile she wore made Althena want to–

"Althena. How long it's been. I see you've brought a treat." She reached out for Charlie, but Althena caught her wrist.

"Watch it, Lucinda."

She winked at Charlie as Althena released her wrist, who just gulped nervously. Her smile fell at the sight of Remus, "You brought a fucking dog with you? Are you asking for a fight?"

"Now now, Lucinda. Play nice."

Althena felt her blood run colder than it already was, if that was even possible. She took a deep breath and turned to a man that looked to be in his late 40s. His hair was black and his eyes matched Lucindas. He was on the tall side, he carried himself with confidence and grace. 

He took Althena's hand and kissed the back of it, "I thought I'd never see you again."

"I was hoping it would be that way."

He glanced at the other three, "I see you're one of us." He said to Darren, "My name is Felix."

"Darren Solaris."

They shook hands and Felix turned to the other two, "A Lycantrope... and a human. You," He looked to Remus, "I know who you are."

"You do?"

"Remus Lupin. Yes." He said, glancing at Althena. 

"I-I'm Charlie. Charlie Weasley."

Felix smiled, his fangs on full display, "Charlie Weasley. A pleasure."  

"We came to speak to the council. So if–"

"The council is busy." Felix said, "You can speak to me."

"I'd rather not."

"Do you still hold a grudge, Althena?"

Her lips parted to say something, but nothing came out. Felix stepped to the side and raised his arm in the direction of a dim corridor, "Just down there. Walk into the room with the door perched open. We can speak there. It's either me, or nobody at all."

They walked inside alone. The room was a Victorian-era decorated sitting room. Everyone sat down besides Remus, who glanced out the window through deep blue velvet curtains. 

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