Chapter 1- {After School}

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Another cruel 9 hours of school had finally came to a end for many students but for one teacher, it was only the beginning. Behind a desk slaving to correct exams was poor Mr.Jeon Jungkook. He was beyond the word tired, absolutely famished and exhausted. His hair was messy, hands were shaking from writing, correcting and assigning work to these students as he hopes it will all come to an end very soon.

"I just want to go home." Jungkook groned. Most of the teachers had already left but he on the other hand, stayed back to finish grading some test papers for the students but it was all to much for him to handel. The school only had one Physics teacher, which was Jungkook. He begged and pleaded for them to assign another physics teacher but they all won't listen to him and poor Jungkook had to endure in the pain of having even more work to do than other teachers.

In that school, he have 5 classes in total with a maximum of 35 and a minimum of 29 students in each class. So yea, he works from dust till dawn, drowning in work. Coming to a realization, it was almost midnight and Jungkook was still at school. In a few more hours, he would need to come back here anyway so he definitely nweds to go home and at least try to get some rest. Even if it's just a few minutes.

"I'll need to switch my 5PM lessons class to a 9PM...I can't deal with this shit anymore." To make it even worse, it was only the beginning of the term. New students will arrive soon and that would add even more pressure to Jungkook's already burnt out body. Some students might not want to go to the school that they had originally passed for.

So now, the parents of that child would come and complain to the principal, begging for her to accept their child in this school. Sometimes, the principal won't accept that but usually when the parent mention the word money, in a blink of an eye, that child would be registered and in many classes. Jungkook just hoped that one day, the directors of the school will understand the pain that they are putting all of their teachers through.

"Hmm, maybe I should call Cj. It's been a while since I have talked to my sister." Jungkook thought. He was always busy with work and he rarely have any time for his family. To be honest, he couldn't even remember the last time that he had ever seen his parents. Quickly, he dialed her number and placed the phone by his ear. The call was silent, he thought that she won't pick up, probably busy with her child but by the third ring, a sleepy, tired voice was heard from the other side of the call.

"Kook-ah? This is a shocking state. Why did you call on such short notice? Is something wrong? Do you need help? Will I have to kill anyone?" Jungkook giggled and sighed. He knows how his older sister was and still is, very protective of him and he is thankful for that. "I'm fine Noona. I just called to see how's everything been going with you and the fam, nothing much as changed for me." He said in a shaky voice. His sister knew what was wrong and she doesn't like it one bit.

"Kookie...what did I say about over working yourself mmm? I know how those children can be. Sometimes I have problems getting lizzy to bed or she decides to throw tantrums. She's only 4 so I could imagine the pain that you have to go through with those teenagers." In reality, some teenagers can become unruly due to their lack of discipline at home.

"It feels like I'm talking to a brick wall! Imagine I've been teaching a topic to them for 2 months...2 fucking months! To get me even more angry, they still don't understand it. I'm telling you sis...I am getting to the point where I may transfer to a new school." A moment of silence took place before Jungkook got to say his next sentence, their was a child crying in the background.

"Ah...sorry kookie. Seems like Elizabeth is awake. How about we call again after I get her to sleep? It's been so long." She asked but with the tone in her voice, Jungkook can tell that she was stressed to. "Don't bother noona, I know it's been stressful for you to so go rest. I'm going to finish up my work at home because it doesn't make sense for me to stay here and when I see these empty desks, it reminds me of these students."

"Are you sure koo? I'll come over if it's possible." Cj differed from his statement.

"I'm fine, tell lizzy that uncle Jeon said hi and I'll probably see you soon. Bye Noona." Jungkook said before he hung up the phone and sighed. His head was pounding and his back was aching. Their was still a lot to be done but a nice bath won't hurt right? After he cleaned up the classroom a bit because these students can be like pigs despite their age, he went and packed his bag.

Their were still many paper balls on top of the cupboard but Jungkook was to tired to get the ladder at that moment to take it down. Tomorrow, he might just ask the janitor for help or get one of those students to do it but right now, he just wants to go home. When he left the school compound, it was almost like a ghost town. Far as his eyes can see, not a single car was in his sight.

"God...I should have asked Jay to pick me up. I hate walking alone at night." He mumbled to himself. Neither the less, he hates it when he feels scared. It's like he isn't strong enough and he needs to be for his perspective. So he sucked up any thoughts about this creepy night and kept on his way with a steady mind. Do you think he will arrive home safety or will something drastic occur?

{𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞} Jikook ☑️ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon