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I handed the pack off to the Tenakth warrior then looked at Saga as she pulled at my shirt.

"What is it, Saga?" I asked and kneeled to her height as Aloy and her comrades watched me.

"I want to go home, Shaye, with the other children." She said and I nodded, pushing her hair back.

"Then we will-" I stopped as she shook her head, frowning as she softly smiled at me.

"I want to go home, Shaye, but you need to stay. People here need your strength." She said and looked at Aloy. The redhead smiled at my sister then I frowned, eyeing the group as they watched us. When Saga looked at me again, she gave me a toothy grin.

"They need you, Soldier of the Sands, and these children need me. I'll be their leader, their strength, but you need to help save the world. Please, Shaye." She said and held my cheek.

"Saga, I just got you back-"

"And Auntie is awaiting me, according to your friends. I'll be okay! We have this many warriors protecting us, and big machines! No one will dare to hurt us again, Shaye! Trust me that I know you are needed here, big sister!" Saga said and I looked at the Tenakth warriors as they prepared the children for the walk South with the machines Aloy and Gaia had gathered for them.

"Trust me, sister?" I looked at Saga then sighed and held her shoulders, laying my forehead to hers.

"May the Moon guide you, little star."

"May the Moon guide you, big star." Saga breathed back, holding my shoulders, then I kissed her cheek and hugged her tightly.

"I love you, Saga!" I whispered, gripping her as tightly as I dared.

"I love you too, big sister! Be strong, please! And come home when the world is better!" She said and I nodded, letting her go then standing as she grabbed her pack and went to the Tenakth warrior waiting for her. As the woman lifted Saga to put her on the back of the Widemaw, I watched her and smiled as Saga looked at me.

"She's strong." Aloy's voice said from next to me and I nodded.

"Many of my family are, it is why we were the leading family." I said and felt Aloy's wide eyes on me.


"My father was chieftain, though he answered only to my mother, the healer of the Otejo tribe. I will explain more once we are back in your base." I said and looked at her.

"As it stands now, I will be joining your death crusade." I said and she smirked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Your sister is the only one to tell you what to do, huh?"

"Shut up." I softly laughed then looked at the slowly disappearing warriors and machines, the laughter of children ringing loudly in the air.

"May the Moon protect you, Saga." I softly spoke then closed my eyes, offering a small prayer to the Moon goddess to protect them.

"You ready to go back, Shaye?" Aloy asked and I nodded, looking at her then sighing.

"As ready as I will ever be."

"Then take this." She said and handed me a Focus.

"Like mine, on the temple." She said as I slowly put it to my head. Instantly, the world changed and I could hear Gaia in my ear.

"Hello, Shaye."

"What is this?" I whispered, looking at Aloy as she grinned.

"Kotallo is still convinced it's magic." She said and I smirked as we went back towards them.

"I see you joined our ranks!" Erend boasted, but I glared and he shut up.

"Great, now we have two brooding warriors." He grumbled, shooting Kotallo a look before turning and going to the Chargers.

"You did not wish to return home?" Kotallo asked after Aloy had gone after Erend, but I smirked at the painted man.

"You wanted me gone that badly, huh?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"That is not what-"

"I know." I said and stepped closer to him.

"I would have gone, but my sister saw I was needed here and ordered me to stay." I said, making his lips twitch into an almost smirk.

"Then I am thankful to your sister for her influence over you." He said and offered to follow me to the Chargers.


We walked into the common room then Zo stood as we approached, Beta and Alva frowning as they saw me.

"You... You didn't get there in time?" Varl asked, but Aloy shook her head.

"We got there, but Saga is leading the children home with Tenakth warriors and machines. She ordered Shaye to stay and assist us." She said and Zo's eyebrows went up.

"Your sister has power over you?" She asked, confused by the age difference.

"My sister has already been chosen as next Otejo healer, I am a lowly warrior. She is to be the next guiding voice of the tribe, so what she tells me to do, I must." I explained and Erend frowned.

"Explain that again in terms-"

"An idiot can understand?" I smirked, making Erend glare.

"Enough, Shaye! You're just baiting him at this point-"

"It's quite fun, Aloy." I grinned and she rolled her eyes as I set my pack down on the counter.

"Otejo women have more power than the men, but above all, the healer has the most say. Think of it this way. Chief Hekarro is the leader of the Tenakth, he is like our healer women. His marshals carry out his word, our chiefs carry out the word of the healers. Then you have the stitchers, hunters, and other positions in the tribe. For the Otejo, we have many of the same people, but the warriors are lowest on the hierarchy order." I explained as we sat in the common area, all of them listening intently to me.

"We may risk our lives hunting machines, food for the tribes, medicine for the healers, but we are nothing more than dirt under the healer's nails. We are tools for her to use as she sees fit-"

"And you chose that?" Aloy frowned, confused by my acceptance of it.

"No, I did not. We never choose our positions, they are given by the healers." I explained, which made Kotallo frown.

"And the last healer was... your mother, correct?" I nodded and that seemed to make them even more confused, as if possible.

"Then why would she subject you to such a low lifestyle if-"

"I don't wish to talk about it." I said and stood, turning and leaving silence behind me as I went to my room.

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