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I groaned as I slowly woke up, like rising from deep water. Thankfully, there was no blinding light so I was able to immediately open my eyes.

"Welcome back." I turned then glared at the Utaru woman that kneeled next to me. As I looked around, I realized I wasn't in a tent, but rather some sort of Ancient One facility.

"Where am I?" I asked, glaring at the woman again.

"Our base, Kotallo carried you in here from the Memorial Grove. How do you feel?" She asked and I sighed.

"I want to leave this room." I said and she nodded, moving to let me stand from the bedroll. As I limped out of the room, the woman stood just behind me, but I frowned as the doors slid open on their own.

"Shaye." I heard and looked over to see Aloy in a central room with the rest of her companions.

"You're finally awake!" Erend grinned, standing from his Strike game against Kotallo, who moved a piece before looking at me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked and the girl who looked like Aloy sighed.

"Five days, Zo's been taking care of you-"

"I don't need an Utaru to care for me!" I spit, keeping my profanities to myself since she had been caring for me after all.

"You need a god to care for you, Shaye." The Utaru scoffed as she passed, going towards Varl.

"So I was correct then?" I smirked at him, my smirk turning into a grimace as my side began to hurt.

"Are you in pain?!" The twin of Aloy asked, but I drew my dagger and held it to her throat.

"Beta, back away!" Aloy warned, pulling the girl's arm to get her away from me as Kotallo stood and came towards me.

"We are not a threat to you-"

"I don't know where I am, I don't half of your names, I am injured, I have told you what I want-"

"And, if you'd allow, we want to help you." He tried, keeping his hand where I could see it, but I scoffed and sheathed my dagger.

"What kind of name is Beta?" I asked the girl, who looked terrified as Aloy guarded her with her arm.

"It's a long story-"

"I apparently have time." I spit and limped to the seat. As I sat, Kotallo tried to grab my arm, but I glared and he backed off to let me be.

"Well, if you promise not to hurt or maim us, we'll tell you." Aloy said and I nodded, reaching up to hold my necklace as I listened to her story.

"So, you're from... Space?" I asked and Beta nodded.

"And you are both clones of this Elisabet?" I tried to clarify, but Aloy nodded this time.

"It's why I was cast out, why Rost raised me-"

"The Nora outcast? The one who died at the Proving in your tale?" I asked and she nodded.

"If we don't get Gaia whole again, the world will die." Varl explained, making me sigh.

"So, I suppose your mission does concern me then." I whispered and held my head as my scars began to ache.

"How'd you lose the sight in your eye?" Alva asked and I glared at her, making her squeak.

"It's alright, Alva, she's not going to hurt us!" Aloy soothed, looking at me.

"We've told you everything, at least tell us that-"

"Too personal, ask something else!" I spit and Erend sighed.

"The necklace then?"

"Personal. Next." I said and Beta smiled.

"Where are you from then? You said you were from across the world-"

"South. I'm from the south, past the river that splits the continents." I said and Aloy sat up some.

"I've never been that far before." Aloy noted, but Beta looked confused.

"I've read about the river. It's supposedly fairly new, a massive earthquake a hundred years ago tore the continent in two, separating what was once Mexico from this continent. Right down the middle." She said and I nodded.

"That's true, Beta." I said and gripped my side as it hurt again, taking deep breaths.

"Who did this to you?" Alva asked and I looked at her.

"Your tribe, sunshine." I said then pushed my hair back, taking deep breaths.

"How can we ask anything when it is all personal?" Zo asked and I looked at her then sighed.

"The necklace was my sister's, that is all you will get." I said and she nodded.

"I didn't realize you had a sister." Kotallo whispered, but I smirked.

"Maybe talk to the people you try to kill, hmm?" I taunted, making guilt wash over his face.

"How are you still a Marshal anyway? Don't the Tenakth frown upon injuries like missing limbs?" I asked and he glared.

"Do not speak as if you know our ways-"

"Never said I did!" I growled, making him sigh.

"Enough, both of you-"

"I am not your subordinate to control, Aloy!" I snarled as she glared at me.

"Do not command me-"

"Aloy." A new voice asked and, had I not been told it was Gaia, I would have most likely freaked out.

"What is it, Gaia?" Aloy asked, not looking away from me.

"I have pulled up a map of the river Shaye crossed to get here, I believe she should see this." She said and Aloy sighed.

"We'll be right up." She said then stood.

"If Gaia wants to show you something, it probably isn't good. Can you walk that far alone?" She asked, but I grit my teeth as I stood.

"I'll manage." I said and she nodded as she and the rest of them went ahead. As I began to limp, Kotallo turned to me and came over, wrapping his arm around my waist.


"It is not weakness to ask for help." He said and helped me up the stairs towards the room where Gaia was housed. As we got to her, I saw the others patiently waiting, but Aloy was eyeing the two of us with a weird look in her eyes.

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