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"DIE MACHINE FILTH!" Kotallo yelled as he took down a Bristleback, but I was focusing on the Redeye Watcher I was trying not to get killed by. As all the machines fell, I looked at Kotallo then saw him smirk slightly at me.

"Kotallo, Shaye, are you alright?!" Erend's voice called and I sighed.

"Fine, Erend. Zo, Alva?" I asked through the Focus and heard Alva first.

"Fine, but something's happened at Gemini! There's smoke rising from the cauldron! Zo is already on the way there!" She said and I looked at Kotallo.

"Regroup there, we will be there shortly!" I ordered and we ran for Gemini, seeing the smoke Alva spoke of. As we got to the entrance, I saw Erend and Alva already there waiting for us.

"Zo is inside now." Alva said and I nodded, holding my swords are we descended into the cauldron. When we got to the center room, I felt my heart drop as I saw Zo kneeling on the ground, Varl's body in her arms as she cried.

"Oh, that's bad!" Alva whispered, but I looked around for Aloy and Beta.

"Where are Aloy and Beta?" I asked as we went further in, but Alva was kneeling by Zo as Erend stared at Varl with an unreadable expression.

"Varl's Focus can explain." Erend numbly spoke then I scanned it, replaying Varl's final moments.

"The Zeniths have Beta-"

"They killed him!" Zo sobbed, brushing her hand over his cheek. I went over then sheathed my swords, kneeling at her side and setting my hand on her back.

"He is with... his All-Mother now." I tried to soothe and she nodded, staring at him.

"Erend, Kotallo, please take Varl." I whispered and Kotallo nodded, coming over with Erend as I took Zo by the arms.

"Come on, Zo, we've got to get to the base." I whispered, making her nod. As we made the ride to the base, I kept my eyes on the Utaru woman to make sure she didn't do something crazy.


I stood back, watching as Erend and Zo kneeled before Varl's grave and silently mourned him.

"You don't have to be here-"

"I'm here to respect a warrior, Kotallo." I whispered and he nodded.

"It is appreciated, I promise." He softly spoke and I nodded, watching as Erend set a hand on Zo's shoulder then stood, coming over.

"I-I need a drink." He whispered and I nodded, watching him go inside with Alva trailing behind him. I looked at Zo then went forward, kneeling next to her and silently sitting there.

"I-I didn't know him, not as well as you or Erend or even Aloy." I started, but sighed and grabbed Zo's hand.

"Guide his soul, Moon Goddess, and bring him home to his All-Mother. Help guide his spirit to rest in your hands, may this valiant soldier rest knowing his loved ones are safe and he did not die for nothing." I whispered, closing my eyes as Zo clenched my hand tightly.

"Thank you, Shaye." Zo whispered and I nodded, letting her hand go and standing to go inside. I heard someone behind me, but I went straight to my room and shut the door behind me.

"Shaye?" I heard and sighed, waiting as the door opened to Kotallo.

"You needed something?" I whispered and looked at him, but he came over and reached up to hold my left cheek, his thumb brushing over my eyepatch.

"Are you alright?" He asked and I nodded, sighing as I looked up at him.

"I didn't know the man, but he died to protect Beta and Aloy, wherever they are. I know he didn't die in vain." I said and he nodded, stepping closer to me and invading my space.

"Are you alright, Kotallo? You knew him better than I did, he was closer to you than I." I softly spoke and he nodded.

"It aches to know I've lost a friend, a strong soldier-"

"That's not what I asked, Kotallo." I whispered and he looked at me then sighed, his hand dropping as he backed away.

"I have lost many in my time as a warrior, I will honor Varl as I did any others." He said and turned, leaving me in the room.


"She is going to kill my entire tribe-"

"Go to the Grove, Kotallo, I will be there shortly. And keep your eye on the skies." Aloy instructed then he nodded, going towards the door.

"What happened?" I whispered from my spot on the couch and Aloy turned to me as Kotallo slowed, all eyes on me now.


"What happened in Gemini? Where is Beta? What really happened to Varl?!" I asked as I stood, my dagger in hand as I glared at Aloy.

"I- the Zeniths-"

"And Beta is gone now. She asked you, trusted you to keep her from their grasp!" I hissed and Aloy frowned, like she was confused I was angry at her.

"You wanted me to kill Beta-"

"It's better than whatever torture they're subjecting her to now! Now Varl is dead, she is being tortured, you were gone and appear unscathed to us now, and now you say Regalla is following this man who plans to slaughter an entire tribe for his own gain! You at least owe us this! How do you know everything that you do, Aloy?! No one else will question their savior, friend, and cock warmer, but I will! I want answers before I follow you anymore!" I growled and Aloy sighed, nodding as she stepped away.

"A Zenith named Tilda, who I don't trust at all. She befriended Beta on the Odyssey, but now she's the only way we will manage to defeat the Zeniths and get Beta back-"

"Tell me this! Did the father of Zo's child die for nothing?!" I growled and Zo's eyes went wide as everyone turned to look at her.

"You're pregnant?!" Aloy asked the Utaru, but I growled.

"Did he or not?!" I spit and Aloy looked at me then sighed.

"No, he didn't die for nothing. His death has purpose, and we will make sure he is remembered for all that he's done." She said and I nodded.

"That's all I needed. I will join Kotallo to the Grove, I will fight alongside him to protect Hekarro and the Tenakth. Whatever it is you plan, Aloy, do it fast!" I warned and she nodded, letting me pass to follow Kotallo to the Grove.

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