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"Chief Hekarro." I bowed my head and he repeated the motion, standing and coming towards me.

"Let us go to the arena, Aloy." He said and Kotallo followed us as we went to the arena.

"I hear you are searching for the Nomad." Hekarro said and I nodded.

"We believe she's here in the west looking for something, but I believe she'd be a good ally in my current mission-"

"I fear you may be mistaken, Aloy." Hekarro said as we got to the viewing platform of the arena, Tenakth warriors down below fighting machines.

"The Nomad is nothing we have ever seen before, even we Tenakth do not wish to cross her." He said and I nodded.

"I understand, but I also need to figure out why this Nomad is suddenly coming west when she's always stayed in the east." I said and he sighed. It seemed like, for a moment, he was deciding whether to tell me something or not, but he let out a breath and turned to face me, Kotallo watching the exchange as if worried we were going to fight.

"One of my Marshals returned from the south, Aloy. The Marshal was barely alive, she had been badly injured and had fought everything to return to us alive. When we asked what had done that to her, she said 'Nomad'. That was just mere days ago, the Nomad may still be there. That is the only lead I can offer you." He said, but I smiled.

"Thank you, Chief Hekarro, that is more than I had when I arrived here." I said and looked at Kotallo.

"You and I will go, Kotallo, and I'll have Erend and Varl meet us so we don't face her alone." I said and Kotallo nodded.

"I believe, even with you four, it will not be enough should you come to blows with her." Hekarro warned and I looked at him.

"I hope we don't come to blows, Chief." I said and left him and Kotallo standing there, going to prepare for the long trip.


"Aloy!" I smiled at Erend as he and Varl caught up to us then Kotallo stood as I hugged Erend.

"You know where the Nomad is?" Varl asked and I nodded, turning to the cliff and going forward.

"A one eyed, dark haired woman has been going in and out of that facility down there for the last few days."

"We have reason to believe she knows we are here." Kotallo said and looked at the camp the Nomad had set up.

"Then why are we going down there?! She's got time to prepare traps-"

"We've been watching her, she hasn't set up any traps." I said and held my hips.

"When we get there, I want to talk to her, but if we have to fight-"

"Let us hope it does not come to that." Kotallo said and I nodded, the four of us making our way down.

Shaye's POV
I left the facility then went to my campfire, kneeling down to stoke it. As I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand, I lifted my eyes and saw, in the faint reflection of my sword against my tent post, four figures slowly creeping up behind me. I slowly slid my hand forward, grabbing the sword I had covered in dirt to hide, then waited until the closest figure was closer to me. When in reach, I jumped around and tackled them to the ground, holding my blade to their throat. Only to come face to face with a Tenakth Marshal as the other three stepped back.

"We don't want to hurt you!" The woman rushed, but the Tenakth was staring at me wide eyed.

"Who are you?!" I snarled, pressing my blade down further and making the warrior beneath me tense.

"My name is Aloy, this is Erend Vanguardsman and Varl! That's Kotallo, a-"

"Tenakth Marshals should know better than to come after me!" I snarled, getting in his face.

"So why are you here?!" I snarled, making the Marshal swallow hard.

"We only came to speak-"

"Is that why you watched me from the cliff for days?!" I growled and glared up at Aloy.

"We knew you'd react like this, so we wanted to have more people-"

"To kill me?! Nice try, go ahead and see if you-"

"To talk to you without you killing us!" Erend yelled and I glared, looking between the three standing then looking down at the Marshal.

"One wrong move, I gut all of you before you can even breathe!" I warned and pulled my sword away from his throat, sitting up then standing, leaving the warrior on the ground.

"What do you want from me, Aloy of the East?" I asked and she frowned.

"You know-"

"The Savior of Meridian? Anointed of the Nora tribe after being born an Outcast? The Champion of Chief Hekarro and lover of King Avad's Vanguard Captain? Please, the entire world knows of you." I said and turned, going towards my camp.

"I believe we are at a disadvantage then. We don't know your name." Varl, the other Nora, said and I sighed as I set my sword down on my work table.

"My mother called me Shaye, many just call me Nomad these days." I said and turned to them, looking at them with my good eye.

"Why do you track me, Aloy of the East? If it has anything to do with your blight, then I have no interest in joining you." I said and looked at the facility as she cried out.

"What was that?!" Erend asked, but I sighed and went inside.

"Shaye, what are you doing here?" Aloy asked as she followed me, her allies following behind her.

"I am here healing her." I said and ducked through a small opening in the wall, smiling as I saw the large Tremortusk laying in the center of the large room.

"Hello, darling." I whispered and went over, kneeling before her eye and petting her head.

"What's wrong with her?" Aloy asked and I turned to her.

"Do you think I know, Aloy? Why do you think I led you in here?" I asked and she scoffed, reaching up to touch the device on the side of her head, scanning the Tremortusk.

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