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I walked into the base from the west doors then sighed as I got to the common room, frowning when I saw everyone sitting together looking worried.

"What's going on?" I asked, announcing my presence, then Beta stood and came over.

"Erend's just returned from Meridian, King Avad has asked to see us." She said, which confused me.

"Us? As in-"

"All of us, Aloy." Erend said and I frowned.

"Did he say why?" I asked, setting my spear down and holding my hips.

"Just that he needs us, it involves something in your mission." Erend said and I nodded.

"When do we leave then?" I sighed, closing my eyes and reaching up to rub the bridge of my nose.

"Aloy, no Tenakth has gone East since the-"

"I know, Kotallo." I said and looked at him.

"I don't want to ask this of you if it makes you uncomfortable, but-"

"I understand." He said and sat up in his seat.

"I think it's best we leave as soon as we can." Zo said and I nodded, closing my eyes to try and soothe the headache I had growing.

"Gaia." I called and she came alive.

"Yes, Aloy?"

"Can you please see if there are any problems going on aside from what we're doing that would cause Avad to request us all?" I asked and she immediately began scanning the world.

"Aloy, I have concluded that there is nothing pressing in the world." She said and I nodded.

"Then let's figure out what he needs, and quick." I said and they nodded. As we packed some easy to carry bags, I went over the problems in the world and tried to figure out what was so pressing for Avad to request us like this.


We got to Barren Light then I noticed Kotallo slow as he got to the line between the east and west. I knew immediately what he was remembering as he eyed the body of the machine that took his arm.

"Kotallo, you okay?" I asked, making the others look at him, then he looked at me and nodded.

"I have not been back here since the Embassy." He said and came over, eyeing Barren Light. As we passed the gate, Kotallo slid into the middle of our group as people eyed him with a hatred I recognized.

"It'll take us another day and a half to get to Meridian, best stock up." Varl said and we went to stock up, but I took the shards and bought everything we would need.

"Why are you with that beast, Savior?" I looked at the merchant then turned and saw his eyes on Kotallo.

"Because he is my ally." I said and turned, going to my group.

"I now remember why I hate people!" I snarled and shoved the food at Varl.

"Whoa, you okay?!" Erend asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

"It's nothing!" I hissed and stomped off towards our chargers that were waiting just beyond Barren Light.

"Let's just go!" I spit and climbed on top of the charger, waiting for them before we rode for Meridian.


I walked up the grand stairs towards Avad's throne, my allies following behind me.

"Avad." He turned to us and smiled as he saw me, his smile wavering as he saw Kotallo.

"Who are your new friends, Aloy?" He asked and I sighed.

"Kotallo, Alva, Zo, and Beta. Why did you call for us?" I asked and held my hip, making him nod.

"I regret to inform you that there is another threat joining you in the west, Aloy." He said and I frowned.

"What threat?" Kotallo asked and Avad sighed, shaking his head and sitting on the throne.

"A Nomad, one of no tribe or history. It is said this Nomad is more dangerous than the Tenakth, more deadly than even you, Aloy." He said and I felt my stomach drop some.

"King Avad, do you mean that Nomad?" Kotallo asked and I looked at him.

"You know who he's talking about?" I asked and he nodded.

"Regretfully, this Nomad is a beast of war, not even the Tenakth dare cross her path." He said and sighed.

"Okay, not from around here!" Alva said and Beta nodded.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Beta asked then Zo sighed.

"A woman with one eye, said to tame even the Thunderjaws and the Rockbreakers. It's said she is stronger than the machines, able to lift boulders with one hand and destroy machines with a snap of her fingers-"

"I highly doubt that's true." Beta said, but didn't say more as Kotallo sighed.

"This Nomad is blood thirsty, dangerous, and she is the reason we Tenakth try not to come east of Barren Light." He said, but shook his head.

"She has never been known to travel west though-"

"She is traveling west because, as rumor states, she is searching for something." Avad said and I looked at him.

"Do you know what this Nomad looks like?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"No one has ever seen her and survived to tell of her appearance. All we know is she is dark haired with a single eye, that is it." He said and I nodded.

"Well, if she's out west, we can easily find her-"

"Do not be so sure, Aloy." Zo said and I sighed.

"We can have Gaia use the survey drones to keep an eye out for her. Along with that, we ourselves can keep our eyes open for her." I said and looked at Kotallo.

"Do you know anything more about her?" I asked, but he shook his head.

"Nothing, I'm afraid. Hekarro might know more, as most of the west is Tenakth territory." He said and I nodded.

"Then we'll need to meet with him, see if he can help us." I said and looked at Avad.

"Do you have any idea of what she's searching for?" I asked, but he shook his head from his spot on the throne.

"I'm afraid I don't, Aloy. I wish I could offer you an answer, but then I wouldn't be the King of Meridian and you the Savior of Meridian." He said and I nodded.

"Then we'll head back west, meet with Hekarro and see if he knows anything." I said then bid Avad goodbye. As we stayed in Meridian for the night, I noticed Kotallo looked worried for the first time since I had ever met him.

Nomadic Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें