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I watched Aloy carefully as she spoke to Hekarro, my swords aimed at Regalla as Kotallo and the other Marshal glared down at her. When Aloy returned, she promised Regalla a more honorable death if she joined us in the fight against the Zeniths.

"Aloy!" I hissed, but the redhead looked at me and I stopped.

"Meet us at our base, inside the mountains to the East. I will have someone meet you nearby-"

"Aloy!" I growled, but she glared at me and came over, getting in my face. I stood just above her eye level, a few inches taller than the woman, but she was still imposing when she wanted to be.

"I will not have you questioning me, Shaye-"

"Then don't bring murders into our ranks like that! How many has she slaughtered to get her way-"

"Less than you!" She growled, but I got in her face and felt the tension in the air rise as the few Tenakth here watched us.

"I haven't slaughtered innocents to reach my own personal goal!" I snarled in Aloy's face, but a warm hand on my shoulder made me step back.

"Enough, Shaye." Kotallo whispered and I looked at him then he stepped between Aloy and I, keeping me from attacking the woman.

"I know you are worried for Beta, as we all are, and fighting with Aloy will not help any!" He whispered, trying to diffuse the situation.

"Please, just trust Aloy on this?" He whispered and I nodded.

"As you wish, Marshal." I whispered then glared at Aloy over his shoulder.

"Kotallo, take Shaye back to the base." Aloy instructed then Kotallo nodded without looking away from me.

"Of course, Champion." He said and grabbed my elbow, pulling me behind him.

"I can walk, Kotallo." I tried, but he smirked.

"Walk without turning around to kill Aloy or Regalla?" He asked, but I sighed and let him drag me, because I knew he was correct.


I glared at the Zenith woman as she stood with us in Gaia's control room, but Aloy caught my look and frowned.

"Shaye, you will be with Kotallo and Alva." She ordered and I looked at Aloy then nodded.

"As you order." I said then we were dismissed.

"Alva, Kotallo, Shaye, a moment." I stopped and looked at Aloy then Kotallo and Alva, but went back towards the woman.

"What is it?" I asked and Aloy sighed, explaining our secret mission.

"Prepare, I will let you know when I'm at the rendezvous point." She said and we nodded, leaving her to stand in the room.

"Shaye, may I have a word with you before we depart?" Kotallo asked and I nodded, parting from Alva and following Kotallo around the furthest hall of the Common Room. As we got to my room, I heard concerned whispers from our friends as they watched us.

"What did you need, Kotallo?" I asked as I turned to him, grabbing my sword handle as he locked the door.

"I'm not going to harm you, I promise!" He soothed and I nodded, letting the sword go.

"Old habit, I apologize-"

"It's alright." He said and took a deep breath.

"Before... Before Gemini, we were speaking of keeping you away from the Otejo tribe." He started and I nodded.

"You told me you did not wish to marry a Tenakth soldier, but I feel there was more to that." He hinted and I frowned, but smiled softly.

"What are you saying, Kotallo? Speak plainly." I said and he nodded, coming towards me.

"The Zeniths are a... ferocious tribe of people, with machines unlike any other we have faced. We have a harsh battle coming for us, and I know Aloy will wait until morning to begin the fight. Tomorrow, we... we may die. As honorable as the death will be, I don't wish to die without facing my greatest fear." He prattled on, looking nervous as he licked his lips.

"What are you trying to tell me?" I asked, staring up into his dark eyes.

"I don't want you to marry a Tenakth soldier, Shaye, nor an Oseram forger or a Nora hunter- I don't want you to marry anyone, even if they are able to provide for you better." He tried again, but shook his head.

"Kotallo, marriage is the only way-"

"I want you to marry me!" He spit out, looking as if he was terrified of my reaction. And I didn't blame him, that wasn't what I expected from him.

"Wha-what?" I breathed, my brow dropping as I looked at him.

"When we spoke at the feast, I was afraid you would find a Tenakth soldier you were attracted to and pledge yourself to him or her, but I-I want you to pledge yourself to me! Only-only after we have survived this war, no sooner." He explained and looked at me, shaking his head.

"I am afraid I don't know how the Otejo ask, but we Tenakth usually ask-" He was cut off as I grabbed his neck, pulling him down to me and capturing his lips in my own. The pigment on his skin tasted slightly minty, he tasted earthy, but I loved every second of it. As his arm wound around my back and pulled me against him, he returned the gesture and tilted his head slightly, deepening the kiss. When I finally broke it, I laid my head against his, but kept my eyes shut.

"After the war, we will do whatever we have to if it means I pledge myself to you and never return to the Otejo." I panted, looking up at him to see him smiling.

"After we survive." He agreed and I grinned as he leaned down, kissing my cheek.

"No sooner, Shaye." I nodded then he let go of me and stepped back from me, bowing his head.

"I will see you out there then-"

"Kotallo, your pigment is messed up a little." I said and he touched his lips then nodded.

"I will go to fix it then." He said and unlocked my door, going to fix his pigment as I took deep breaths.

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