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"She is a strong fighter." Hekarro noted as we watched Shaye in the arena, fighting against the machines.

"She is fueled by her anger." I explained, watching Shaye as she took down the Clawstrider.

"Perhaps not just her anger anymore." Chief Hekarro said and I frowned at him.

"Forgive me if I don't understand-"

"She is less angry since I last saw her yesterday, Kotallo." The chief smirked and I looked at Shaye then saw she was actually enjoying herself.

"Do you know of the Otejo tribe, Chief?" I asked and my Chief sighed.

"Harsh people, even more so than we Tenakth. They favor women, spit on the sight of warriors, and worship the moon." He explained and looked at me.

"Why do you ask?" He asked and I sighed.

"Shaye fears returning to her tribe, as that is where her pain stems from, yet the Healer of the tribe has ordered it once the world is set right. Do you know of a way to break the orders of the Healer?" I asked and looked at him, but he shook his head.

"The only way I have ever heard of is marriage to one outside the village, outside the tribe. Then, as long as their partner can provide for the Otejo, the Healer's orders can be broken." He explained and I nodded, looking at Shaye again as she yelled out and took down the Bristleback.

"She would make a fine wife, Kotallo." Chief Hekarro said suddenly and I looked at him in surprise as Dekka and Kalla snorted.

"Chief Hekarro, you can't mean-"

"I am just making an observation, Marshal." He said and held his hands behind his back. I sighed then looked at Shaye as the Tenakth spectators roared in agreement then saw she had bested the machines and was grinning at them. When she caught my eyes, her grin turned to a smirk and she raised her chin slightly, yelling into the sky in victory.


I laughed as the Tenakth warrior was thrown across the room after spilling a drink then Kotallo hollered his enjoyment as we feasted.

"Outlander." I looked at the Arena master then she smirked.

"That was quite the spectacle, we very much enjoyed your fight. You are almost as strong as the Champion herself." She said and turned, going to eat as I stared after her.

"Here, Shaye, a warrior is seen as the only way to truly live. Strength is life." Kotallo softly spoke to me then I looked at him and saw his lips curled up into a smirk.

"I have news for you." He said and I nodded, eating a bit of the spiced meat the Tenakth favored.

"I have spoken with Chief Hekarro, about ways to break the Healer's orders." He started and I sat up a little bit straighter.

"It appears marriage to a suitable partner outside of the Otejo tribe is the only viable option he knows of. We can ask Gaia if she knows of any ways, or if the others know of any ways, but-"

"Marriage? Who would I marry?" I asked and he smirked.

"I am sure you can find a suitable partner, you have your pick here in the Tenakth after your display today." He said and as I looked around the room, I realized he was right. Many Tenakth men were staring at me with longing and respect.

"What if I don't want any of the Tenakth soldiers?" I asked and looked at Kotallo, who frowned slightly.

"Then we will find you someone, this I promise." He said and I nodded, looking at my plate again to eat. That night, as I left the baths, I returned to my shelter to see numerous offerings at the door and frowned.

"It seems the Tenakth men are courting you." I turned to the Chaplain then smiled as she eyed the offerings.

"In Tenakth culture, the men show their interest by leaving offerings at the shelter of the woman they wish to love. You seem to have your pick." She said as I examined everything.

"I know none of these men." I said as I saw the names carved into the bones and wood of the gifts.

"A shame, I suppose, if you were looking for someone specific." Dekka said and I looked at her then glared.

"What is that to mean?" I asked, but she ignored me as she walked away. I sighed and left the offerings at my door, going inside to sleep for the night.


"Until we see you next, Nomad." Chief Hekarro smiled and I nodded once, gripping the Charger tightly as Kotallo finished getting our things packed.

"Marshal, good luck with your task." Kalla said and Kotallo sighed then glared at her, shaking his head as he climbed on behind me.

"Travel safe, you two." Chaplain Dekka said then we took off and rode towards the base. As we arrived hours later, Kotallo and I went inside, but Zo seemed to instantly notice the change in our friendship.

"I see the trip was successful then?" She asked as Kotallo took my pack off my shoulder and set it down.

"Successful?" I questioned, but Kotallo sighed.

"Aloy tasked me with getting closer to you, to find out more about you. I was nothing but genuine, but-"

"I understand." I smiled and set my hand on his arm.

"Thank you for being my companion, Kotallo." I said and stepped away as everyone stared.

"I must speak with Gaia." I said and went upstairs, going to find her.

"Shaye, this is a surprise." Gaia noted and I nodded, going towards her.

"I have a few questions I am hoping you can assist me with, Gaia." I started and she nodded.

"Chief Hekarro claims the only way to break the Healer's orders is through marriage to a partner that can provide outside of the Otejo tribe. Do you know of any other way?" I asked and she frowned.

"I am afraid I do not, Shaye. As far as my knowledge goes, marriage is the only option that will be irrefutable." She said and I nodded, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Then, who do I marry to get away from the Otejo?" I asked, but she shook her head.

"Think not of that, Shaye, and think instead of who you wish to spend the remainder of your life with. That will better suit you, rather than tying yourself to more misery for the other half of your life." She explained and I nodded, smiling as I turned and left, going to get some rest.

Nomadic HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora