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I left my bed area then went to the common room, frowning when I saw everyone except Shaye here.

"Where is Shaye?" I asked, but Beta looked at me and sighed.

"Outside, she's been sitting in the snow for a few hours. We've tried to get her to come inside, but-"

"I think we pissed her off yesterday with the questions." Erend cut off the woman and I nodded, going to the doors.

"Kotallo." I looked at Aloy as she stood then she shook her head, giving me a look.

"She's angry, I wouldn't-"

"Being angry and in the snow is not a good combination, Aloy." I said and went to the doors, opening them and going outside. Immediately, I saw Shaye perched dangerously on the edge of the cliff staring South. It was as if she could see the caravan of Otejo children and Tenakth warriors.

"Shaye, I think it best you-"

"You think it best?" She whispered, looking at me over her right shoulder. I knew then, I had screwed up.

"I did not mean-"

"I know what you meant." She said and stood, turning to me and glaring.

"I know exactly what you meant, Kotallo! Brave Marshal of Hekarro, Warrior of Barren Light, Maimed Tenakth!" She snarled, slowly stalking towards me. As she did, I stepped back and put my hand up to signal I meant no harm.

"Shaye, I didn't mean-"

"No, you meant to tell me I am nothing, right?! That I am worthless, just like the rest of the Otejo warriors! I am nothing more than the dirt you piss on!" She growled and shoved my chest, forcing me back into the metal doors with a loud banging sound. I grit my teeth at the pain then looked down at the woman who was angry, but as I looked at her, I felt my anger vanish entirely. In her sole blue eye, I saw pain. Pain like I had never once seen before, possibly never felt either. It was pain that took over her entire being, pain that had been culminating for years, possibly her entire life, and she had never been allowed to express her pain or anger.


"SHUT UP!" She screamed and shoved me back further, the doors sliding open.


I shot up as Kotallo came crashing into the common room then looked at the doors to see Shaye coming in with her swords drawn, his axe in his hand a moment later.

"What the hell-"


"I don't know!" I growled at Erend and Varl as Kotallo and Idalena fought in the common room. This wasn't a spar, this was a full battle, raging between two very strong warriors. I didn't know what had set this off, what had forced this, but I was putting a stop to it.

"No, Aloy!" Gaia's voice yelled in my ear and I froze, watching as Shaye knocked Kotallo's legs from under him, but he rolled before she stabbing his neck.

"Shaye needs this, Kotallo is only assisting her! Allow this, stop them when you feel the need to!" Gaia told me, but I growled.

"Gaia, she's going to kill him-"

"He is holding back, Aloy, she will not kill him. He will not allow it." Gaia explained and I huffed, gripping my spear as we watched with fear and awe, the two warriors fighting with grace and agility I had only seen in reflections.


"I WASN'T TRYING TO TELL YOU ANYTHING!" He snarled at her, knocking a sword from her hand and leaving her with the one. As they finally stopped for a moment, both of them were panting and glaring at each other, each holding a single weapon.

"Aloy, what do we do?!" Beta breathed as she gripped my arm, hiding behind me.

"Gaia says to let them hash it out, I'll know when to step in! Just- watch out for their blades!" I warned them and they nodded. As Shaye growled, Kotallo got ready for her next blow, but the woman only screamed in anger and threw her sword down. I watched her carefully, in case she had something else planned, but she didn't move as she screamed and screamed in anger and pain. When she was done, she looked at Kotallo then shook her head and I felt my eyes widen as I saw tears in her eyes.

"You know nothing, none of you do!" She whispered, her voice hoarse as she turned and grabbed her swords to put them away, walking her to room. When the doors slid shut, I relaxed slightly and looked at Kotallo.

"What the actual hell, Kotallo?!" I snarled and he glanced at me then sighed.

"Apologies, Aloy, she... reacted unexpectedly-"

"You think?! What did you even say to her?!" I asked, but he shook his head and put his axe away.

"I barely spoke before she came at me with anger. I believe she needed that, so I was letting her-"

"Gaia said you were just letting her attack you." I said and went towards him, doing a glance over him to make sure he wasn't hurt.

"She needed that release, Aloy. I don't know what she has been bottling up in her life, but she needed to release her anger and pain. I allowed myself to be her target, rather than Beta or Alva." He explained and I nodded.

"Thank you." Alva whispered and Kotallo sighed.

"I fear, Aloy, Shaye is more hurt than Beta is." He told me and went to the room he dubbed the war room, going to study old war tactics as I thought about his words. More hurt than Beta? I looked at Shaye's door then sighed as I put my spear away.

"Gaia." I called and heard her hum to life, meaning she was listening.

"Do a scan of Shaye's body, let me know of any scars you find-"

"That is an invasion of privacy, Aloy-"

"And I had you do it on everyone who entered the base, so please. Let me know what you find, so we can better help her." I ordered and Gaia, if an AI could, sounded like she didn't agree with me as she spoke.

"As you wish, Aloy."

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