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"She's dying then?" I asked and Aloy nodded.

"She is, we can only make it quick for her." She said and I nodded, looking at the Tremortusk.

"Then let me." I whispered and kneeled before the Tremortusk, whispering to her as I pet her head.

"I'm sorry to do this to you, but I have done all I can. Forgive me, please, and rest easy knowing you will not suffer any longer. Rest, darling, and close your eyes. You will just fall asleep for the last time, and you feel no more pain." I whispered and stood, going around to her power core. As her eyes shut, I closed mine and offered a quiet prayer, stabbing the power core and watching the blue light die from her.

"You cared about her." Kotallo said, but I ignored him as I glared at Aloy when she tried to strip her.

"She has parts-"

"Touch her and I will cut off your hands!" I snarled and she sighed, but nodded and stepped away.

"Of course I cared for her, you idiot! She was my only companion during my travels!" I said and went back to her head, petting the cold metal and closing my eyes as I tried not to cry.

"Sleep well, my friend." I whispered and stood, going further into the facility.

"I have other reasons for bringing you here, Aloy." I said as she followed me.

"What?" She asked, but slowed as we got to the large metal door.

"I am unable to open it, but I hear you have tremendous luck with such things." I said and she nodded, going forward and letting the red light scan over her. As the door opened, I shoved past her and made her groan.

"You need to work on your people skills-"

"Never had the need for them, Varl." I said and went further into the facility, easily finding the path through the halls to the room I needed.

"There you are!" I breathed and went over, climbing up the mound of rubble towards the spot lit up by the hole in the roof.

"Did you seriously lose something in here?" Erend asked, but I ignored him as I kneeled and grabbed the necklace.

"Do not pretend to understand." I said as I held the necklace, smoothing my thumb over the stone. As I stood, I slid the necklace around my neck and tightened it to a point where I knew it wouldn't as easily slip off of me.

"Whose was it?" Aloy asked as I approached them.

"Why should I answer your question-"

"Because I told you what happened to your Tremortusk. Who did it belong to?" She asked, glaring at me, but I snarled and got in her face.

"That is not your business, Northerner!" I snarled and she scoffed.

"Northerner? I thought you were from-"

"I am not from anywhere on this backwater continent!" I snarled and her eyes went wide.

"Like Alva?" Varl asked, but I glared and shoved through them to leave.

"Shaye, wait!" I stopped then turned halfway to face Aloy with my bad eye, making her sigh.

"Please look at me?" She asked and I huffed, looking at her fully.

"I understand you're a Nomad, now I know you are from a different continent all together and you care about machines and that necklace. Please, at least allow us to offer you shelter from the world-"

"Why should I take anything you offer me? You walk with a Tenakth Marshal, the same one who attempted to kill me years ago. You fornicate with an Oseram who dares to act as if he isn't drunk, and your Nora friend there reeks of Utaru whore-"

"Whoa, that's uncalled for!" Varl snarled, but I scoffed.

"Tell me I am wrong and you don't lay with an Utaru, I will take it back." I said and he went to speak, but Aloy cut him off.

"I don't know what your problem is, Shaye, but Kotallo isn't the same man he was before and Erend's and Varl's love lives aren't your concern-"

"My only concern was getting to that room, getting this necklace, and continuing my search as I planned!" I yelled and she flinched as I grabbed my sword handle.

"Shaye, please, let us help you then!" Kotallo said and I scoffed.

"Do you even remember me, Marshal?! Or am I just another faded face in your memories of death?!" I growled, making him frown.

"Perhaps you can refresh my memory then, Shaye." He said and I huffed.

"Six years ago, before I was the Nomad, I was a scared young girl found by your squad. You told me I wasn't worth your blade and your fellow warrior would kill me in your stead. When I slaughtered your entire squad, you tried to kill me, but a Tremortusk intervened and I got away with barely a scratch. That same Tremortusk is the one you just saw me kill." I said and he closed his eyes, looking down.

"I remember now, Shaye, and I can only ask for your forgiveness. I am not that same person now, I haven't been that person for a long time." He said and looked at me.

"Oh, because you lost your arm-"

"Because I have grown as a person and I am better than I was!" He growled, but I scoffed and turned, leaving the facility completely. As I went towards my shelter, I shut the flaps behind me and heard Aloy sigh.

"Shaye, please, talk to us-"

"I have nothing further to say to you!" I spit and shouldered my pack, leaving the shelter.

"Then at least- Hang on a second!" Aloy ran after me as I walked away, but I stopped as she walked in front of me.

"Take this, in case you ever need us!" She said and handed me a device just like the one she and the other three wore.

"It's a Focus, you put it on your temple and Gaia will help you get in touch with us. I know you don't like people, I can't really say I blame you, but please, understand I only want to help you become a stronger warrior and to help you find whatever you're looking for!" She said and I sighed, snatching the device from her and throwing it into my bag.

"I doubt I will ever need you." I said and shoved past her, leaving them at the facility and continuing in my journey.

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