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"Gemini?" I asked and Aloy nodded.

"We need to trap Hephaestus, so that Gaia can be whole again-"

"And so the Zenith bastards don't get him first." Erend cut off his lover and I sighed, holding my hips.

"And you want me to assist Kotallo why? He seems capable enough, I would think you would want me to assist Alva or even Zo?" I questioned, but Aloy shook her head.

"They won't be dealing with the dangerous machines if this goes well. The Zeniths will be going towards Kotallo or Erend first, which is why I want you to help Kotallo. As strong as he is, he's still only got a single arm and Erend is better at fighting the machines we'll be facing-"

"Are you telling me you see Kotallo as weak?" I asked, but Aloy shook her head frantically.

"It's a logical move!" Alva jumped in and I looked at her then frowned.

"How?" I asked and Aloy went to speak, but Kotallo spoke first.

"You do not know these machines like us, and I would be grateful for the extra hands. It also doesn't help that I will be guarding the largest of the cauldrons alone, which is why Aloy sees it best to position you with me." He explained and I nodded.

"And that is what I was trying to figure out." I said then groaned as my eye began to hurt, setting my hand over it.

"Is it your eye?" Beta asked and I looked at her then nodded.

"It's nothing new. The scars ache with the weather, I'm afraid. If there is to be bad weather, the scars hurt. If the weather is too hot and sunny, they hurt." I explained and she nodded, grabbing a rag and going to dampen it.

"Beta-" I tried, but it was too late. The girl was taking care of me and there was nothing I could do to stop her.

"Beta, really, she can-"

"Aloy, she is hurting! Let me do this, please!" Beta begged, but I smiled and grabbed her wrist, making her look at me.

"Thank you, Beta." I whispered and she nodded.

"Let's go over the plan one more time." Aloy started and we got comfortable, but I sat as Beta sat next to me, taking care of me.

"And we'll initiate the Omega clearance, trapping Hephaestus in the central core so Gaia can merge with him." Aloy explained, but Beta sighed.

"Which, even with the two of us, will take four hours." She said, but I pulled her hands off of my face when I noticed tension between the sisters still.

"Aloy, Beta, may I speak freely?" I asked and Aloy nodded as they eyed me.

"When I was young, Naja and my brother Kit hated to play with me, I wasn't their sister. I was barely their family, I was sure I'd never find care from them. Neema though, she is the only one in my family who showed me any compassion. She is the one who made me this necklace-"

"Not that I don't love you opening up, but what's this got to do with Gemini?" Varl asked, but I ignored him as I continued.

"Neema and I would often play together, until we turned ten and I was cast out as a soldier. Neema was... distant, we never spoke again, and I regret losing only her. If you two are fighting still, even after this, you will regret it if something happens." I concluded and Aloy swallowed thickly as she looked at Beta, who looked sad as she looked at the ground.

"Don't make me lock you two in a room together again." I warned, but Beta sighed and stood.

"Maybe she's right, Aloy." Beta forced then went to Aloy's room. Aloy sighed then followed her sister as I watched them, watching the lock on the door engage.

"How'd you know they were still fighting?" Erend asked, but I shook my head and set the rag on my eye.

"They had the same air Neema and I used to have around each other." I explained then we sat, mostly in silence as the sisters talked.

"Shaye." I looked at Kotallo then he sat next to me and moved my hand to look at my eye.

"It looks... irritated." He said and I nodded.

"The weather, I'm afraid." As if proving my point, thunder boomed outside and I sighed.

"My arm is much like that." He said and reached over to grab his stump, looking at me as his hand dropped.

"I never really associated it with anything, but it often aches depending on the weather or my environment. In here, it seems soothed the most." He explained and I smiled, going to speak, but Aloy and Beta returned then I smiled as I saw they were laughing with each other.

"Thank you, Shaye." Aloy smiled and I nodded.

"It was my-" I stopped as pain shot through my head from my eye then I gripped my face, gritting my teeth as the pain got worse.

"Shaye?!" I heard as I held my face, trying to fight the pain.

"Shaye! Shaye, look at me!" I heard someone call, but I shoved them away and stood, stumbling to the wall. As I gripped the wall, I took deep breaths and felt the pain slowly subsiding, though there was still a dull ache.

"Shaye, are you okay?!" I heard Alva whine from behind me, but I took deep breaths and closed my eyes.

"Beta, please go to my room and grab me the item off of the desk?" I asked and heard her feet running, going to grab what I needed. As she returned, my eyes still shut, I held my hand out and she set it in my palm.

"What is that?" Aloy asked, but I didn't say anything as I put the cloth over my eye and tied it behind my head. I slowly opened my eyes then blinked as I felt the unfamiliar feeling of the eyepatch.

"It was just the light, I'm alright." I explained and looked at Beta to see her worried.

"I'm alright, Beta." I said and set my hand on her arm.

"I-I was scared." She laughed, but I shook my head and turned back to my allies.

"An eye cover?" Zo asked, but I nodded and cleared my throat.

"It hasn't hurt like this in years." I softly laughed then shook my head.

"I believe we were going over the plan for Gemini?" I asked and Aloy nodded, continuing with the plan.

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