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"Wake up, lover." I heard as I slowly woke up, a heavy arm wrapped around my waist as soft lips touched my cheek. I smiled before I even opened my eyes then turned my head, looking up at Kotallo. It was a rare sight to see him without his Marshal's paint, but I was lucky enough to see it.

"Good morning, darling." I whispered, reaching up to set my hand on his cheek as he leaned down and softly kissed me.

"Are you sore?" He asked, always concerned for me, but I shook my head and set my hand on his bare arm.

"Not at all." I whispered, smiling wider as he kissed my naked shoulder.

"Good, I was worried I had hurt you last night-"

"You didn't, I promise." I assured him then looked at the door as someone knocked before entering. After we returned to the Grove, Kotallo had Erend help him adjust our shelter so we had an actual door now, instead of just a sheep skin over the entrance.

"Marshal Kotallo, Commander Shaye, Chief Hekarro is requesting your presence at the Arena for the games." A Tenakth woman said then I looked at Kotallo and he sighed.

"We will be out momentarily." Kotallo called to the woman, who we heard walk away.

"I suppose our privacy has been ruined." He said then stood and I took a moment to appreciate the miles of tanned skin he was showcasing. He had a few moles here and there, but his tattoos covered a good majority of his skin. All except from his knees down had some sort of ink to show his feats. When he looked over his shoulder at me, I smirked as he shook his head with a grin.

"Did you not see enough last night?"

"Never." I said and stood on my knees as he approached, reaching down to hold my chin as I looked up at him.

"I will never tire of seeing you, Kotallo." I whispered and leaned forward, kissing the inside of his wrist.

"If the Chief was not expecting us, I'd allow you to see more." He promised, making me grin.

"Then a shame we should dress for the day, hmm?" I smirked and took his hand, letting him pull me to my feet.

"I love you, Shaye." He whispered, laying his forehead against mine.

"With every fiber of my being, Kotallo." I softly spoke, leaning forward to kiss him.

"Come, Shaye, before Dekka comes to find us." He said and I nodded, getting dressed and helping him with his pigment. It was an intimate thing, for someone to help a Tenakth with their pigment. It was considered the highest form of love aside from pledging. To be able to paint the face the world will see as that soldier.

"Let's go." I smiled as I finished adjusting my sword belt and he nodded, following me out of our shelter. We passed the vision that inspired the Lowland Clan, through the large halls, and towards the Arena. As we came out onto the Chief's viewing platform, I saw Dekka and Chief Hekarro watching the games then Dekka smirked as she saw us.

"I see you two finally joined us." She teased, but I smirked and went to the edge of the platform, watching as the young soldiers fought against a Slaughterspine.

"We apologize for taking so long." Kotallo told the duo behind me, but Chief Hekarro came over and sighed.

"If I was not Chief, I'd be down there myself." He said and I grinned.

"Miss the fun, Chief Hekarro?" I teased, gripping my sword tightly as I watched the machine attack the wall around the arena, nearly knocking unbalanced Tenakth into the pit.

"Sometimes. Then I remember what I truly do and I realize, my children wouldn't like to see when I fight." He said and I nodded.

"Your children are lucky to have such a father." I noted and he smiled at me.

"As are yours." He said and I frowned, but he glanced at my stomach and I realized he noticed.

"Does he know?" The Chief softly spoke, so he didn't alert the two chatting behind us, but I shook my head.

"Only Aloy and Zo know, Chief, and Gaia. No one else, as I am not ready for the world to change for it." I said and he nodded.

"Kotallo will get suspicious if you do not participate in the games-"

"I have many half truths I can give him to satisfy his suspicions." I said and the Chief nodded.

"For now, I will try to keep the both of you out of harms way." He said and I nodded.

"Thank you, Chief." I whispered, smiling at Kotallo as he came to my other side.

"You are rather chatty today." He noted and I grinned.

"The young Tenakths are strong, you will have a time training them later on." I told him, a half truth that seemed to satisfy him.

"They are, but I doubt that is what you were whispering about here." He said, but I shook my head and smiled at him. I could feel the Chief's eyes on me.

"I will tell you soon enough, Kotallo, as it's a surprise for you." I said and he nodded.

"I enjoy your surprises." He smiled, making me giggle.

"I hope you enjoy this one as much as the previous ones." I beamed then looked at the Chief to see disappointment in his eyes, but he quickly masked it as Dekka came to stand next to him.

"The game is almost over, and the next bout will begin." Dekka noticed, though I felt ill and cleared my throat.

"Please excuse me." I rushed and the Chief nodded as Kotallo looked at me worried. I turned and quickly walked from the platform, going to the nearest hidden corner only to double over and throw up on the ground. I coughed as I gagged then I took a deep breath, pushing my hair back and closing my eyes.

"I assume he does not know." I turned and smiled as I saw Zo standing there with Aloy and Erend.

"No, not yet." I whispered as Aloy came over.

"You gotta tell him, Shaye-"

"Not yet, Aloy." I whispered, setting a hand on my stomach.

"Wait, you're-"

"Yes, Erend, but my husband doesn't know." I said and he nodded, staring at my stomach.

"What are you doing here?" I asked Aloy, but she smirked.

"Chief Hekarro invited us for the games, in your honor." She said, which made me smile.

"Then thank you for joining us-"

"By the end of the day, I expect him to know. Or I will tell him myself." She cut me off and I frowned, nodding in agreement. I didn't try and argue with her, it would get us nowhere and she would still get her way.

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