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Jin found it slightly difficult to use the phone. They had phones in their country but that was a different kind of feature. Namjoon taught him how to use it and as Jin was smart he learned fast.

On the way to the restaurant, he brought a cute pink back cover for his new phone and saved a group photo as his wallpaper. In the photo, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, and Yoongi were smiling. Jin loved the photo so much. He felt happy. But then Jin thought if he could call his mother or brother with that phone. He tried to dial their number, but it was said invalid. He felt disappointed. He really missed them very much.

One more week passed. The boys got closer. Hoseok and Jin became best friends. They started spending more time together. Joon got a clearer view of what his heart wanted. So he let himself get closer to Jin. The four became best friends. But Namjoon couldn't stop himself from falling deep for Jin. They were living together under a roof. Jin always took care of him, cooked for him, and handled almost all the daily chaos of their home. Namjoon felt complete after Jin came into his life. He wanted to keep Jin to himself forever. He wanted to shower Jin with his love, pamper him and make him happy forever.

On the other hand, Jin was feeling something inside his heart about Namjoon that he couldn't recognize at first. His heart skipped a beat whenever Namjoon came near him. He loved when Namjoon surprised him with some snacks or small things. Those small gifts were full of love, care, and respect. Jin never felt so loved by someone besides his mother and brother. So he also wanted Namjoon to be happy. He wanted to take care of him. He loved Namjoon's dimples so much that he always tried to make some dad jokes to make Namjoon smile.

Yoongi and Hoseok knew that those two had feelings for each other but were fooling their own feelings. The couple was so done with their dumb friends.

#In Emerald

There was chaos everywhere in the country. Their crown prince was missing. He was nowhere to be found. The queen was a crying mess. She wasn't even eating or sleeping properly. King's men and police were searching nearby countries for Seokjin. The King was very disappointed in his oldest son. He never thought his son can run away from his duties. He promised himself to punish his son for what he had done. He decided to declare his youngest son the crown prince as he was way more responsible than Seokjin and always obeyed his father. He tried to convince his youngest son that. But he was not ready to be the crown prince in place of his brother. For him, finding his brother and making sure he was alright was more important than being a crown prince or all that. He was missing his brother so much. He also could not see his mother in that state.

"Father, Hyung will be the crown prince, not me. People of our country love him so much and I know he is the best for this position. I'll always be by his side. But I can't replace him..." He didn't want to be rude to his father, but he was so shocked by his father's behavior. So he continued, "And for now, finding Hyung and bringing him back here is more important, father! He could be kidnapped! What if he got hurt? What if he is in danger now? How can you be this cool now? Are not you worried about him? Have not you seen our mother's condition? " He was looking at his father with so much worry in his eyes. His father spoke calmly, "I'm not worried about that traitor. If he is still alive and comes back here, I'll make sure to teach him a good lesson for what he did." His youngest son was so hurt hearing his father's rude words. "I'm so disappointed, father! Do you even consider him your son? What wrong he did do to deserve your hate? He just wanted to be himself. He wanted to be free. Is this because he refused to be your puppet?" The king then slapped him hard. "Don't you dare to talk to me like that! Don't be ridiculous and useless like your Hyung! I didn't teach you this. You have to be the perfect son and a perfect king, not like him. He really is useless." The boy then lowered his head and said, "I understood, father. Now I know why you hate him. You don't want sons, you want some heartless puppets. He refused to be one, and now I'm refusing it too. I'm going to find him no matter what. You can live with your heartless ego." He rushed out of the room. His father was shouting his name but he didn't stop.

He went inside his mother's room without knocking. He was out of breath from running so fast. His mother was half laying on her bed, head resting on some pillows. She tiredly looked at her son. "What's the matter, my boy? Has my Seokjinie come home?" She suddenly became excited and her son lowered his head. She understood and look away. Her eyes were locked on the setting sun through the window. Her son came and sat beside her. He took her hands in his and said softly, "Mother, He is not home yet. But I promise you to bring him back safely. Don't worry, mother. I'm going to find him now. We'll be happy together soon. You know that he loves us so much. He can't stay away from us. He'll be back, Mother." His mother's eyes glittered with tears. "Son, I have faith in you. I know you can do this. Please be safe, baby. I want both of you in my arms." Tears fell down from her eyes. He nodded, "I'll!" She then asked him, "But your father?". He sensed his mother's worry, "Don't worry about him. I'm not going to be his puppet anymore. I'm on the way to my Hyung! I want to be kind and pure like him. Okay, I'm going! Please be safe, mother! Please eat and sleep. We'll be back soon. Good Bye, Mother." His mother kissed his forehead and bid him goodbye.

"Hyung, wait for me! I'm coming to you. I can't live without you. Mother can't either. Please wait a little bit! Please be safe, Hyung!" He ran through the main gate leaving everyone shocked.

# Back to S.Korea

Namjoon suddenly got a call from his Hyung, who owned the antic store. When he was in his university. He never called Namjoon if he did not have any emergency. So he excused himself from the class. He received the call and got shocked. So he rushed to the store. There was a boy sitting across his Hyung. He was very handsome and muscular. He was wearing a long black hoody. And dark blue jeans. He looked somehow angry or frustrated with the stern look on his face. When Namjoon entered the store office, the owner got up from his seat and called him.

"What is it, Hyung? I was in the class. I had to drop it for your call!" His Hyung got up and pointed to the boy and said, "This kid showed up one hour ago and he was asking about the mirror. At first, I thought that he was interested to buy that mirror. But he was not. He then asked me about his Hyung. I don't know him. I kept telling him that but he got angry and almost punched me." He said it in one go.

Namjoon at first didn't understand what is going on. Then he remembered that Jin came through that mirror. So maybe that boy was asking about Jin. So he went inside the office and sat beside the boy. The boy shot him a curious look. "Excuse me, Mister! Are you the owner of this store? I have been asking that gentleman about my Hyung for a long time. He is not telling anything. I know my Hyung is somewhere here. I need to find him. You look like a good person. Can you help me?" He asked Namjoon. Namjoon sensed his worry.

He gave the boy a gentle smile. "That gentleman is my Hyung and he doesn't know anything about the mirror or your Hyung. But I know. I will help you. Okay? But don't tell or ask my Hyung anything." He almost whispered.

"Okay, sir. Thank you." The boy politely said.

"Come with me," Namjoon said and the boy nodded. Namjoon then shifted his head to the owner, "Hyung, I'm taking him. I'll handle everything. You don't have to worry. Bye Hyung."

He then took the boy with him and headed to his home.

The by was silently observing the surrounding. When they reached Namjoon's home, Namjoon rang the doorbell. A smiling Jin opened the door. Some flour was on Jin's cheeks, Namjoon could easily say that Jin was trying some new recipe. He chuckled.

"Namjoon-ah! You're home." Jin smiled then his eyes went on the boy beside Namjoon. "Kookie!?" He yelled and spread his hands. The boy smiled and jumped in his arms. Namjoon melted at the scene.


Are you guys excited about the comeback? About Proof? I'm so much excited. Let's make this their best ever Comeback. Let's show the world how strong the bond of BTS and ARMY is! Love you all!

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