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It was evening. Jin decided to cook something for them but there were not many ingredients. He found some rice and eggs and some old species. So he was making Omurice. But suddenly the door opened. Jin thought it was Namjoon. But when he went to check, it was not Namjoon. He became uncomfortable under the stranger's intense gaze.

"Who are you? What are you doing in Namjoon's house?" The stranger asked, closing their distance.

"I'm Seokjin, Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you... Um... Mister..." Jin tried to be more natural and calm.

"I'm Hoseok, Namjoon's friend. But, Seokjin, I didn't see you before!... Wait... Are you Namjoon's boyfriend?" He came closer and Jin took some steps back.

"No! I'm... I've been his guest for some time. I'll return home soon."

"But, you're wearing his clothes. It's so couple-things... I do it myself. Don't try to fool me. You can tell the truth. I'm his friend."

"Sorry, Hoseok, I'm telling the truth. I have no clothes with me, so I borrowed his." Jin held his head low.

Hoseok sensed that Jin was uncomfortable. So he tried to crack a joke, "So, you came here naked!?" He laughed out loud.

"Yaaa! What are you saying?! I was not! Wait here!" Jin ran to the bedroom and brought his clothes. "Look, I was wearing these!"

"Are you kidding me? You're wearing these? Do you work for some old-themed drama?" Hoseok was checking Jin's clothes. "Wait! Its quality is so good and it looks expensive! You're mysterious. I'm not believing you. I'm going to call Namjoon and Yoongi here now!"

"Do whatever you want. Don't bother me. I'm going to cook dinner! That's all I can do to return Namjoon's favor." Jin headed back to the kitchen.

Hoseok sat on the couch and called them. They arrived within 30 mins.

"What's the emergency, Hoseok! You almost gave me a heart attack!" Yoongi asked. He entered the apartment with Namjoon.

"There is an emergency problem, look!" Hoseok pointed at Jin. Namjoon's face paled.

"Who is he?" Yoongi asked Namjoon.

"Oh... He is Seokjin!"

"He's your boyfriend. Right?" Hoseok asked.

"Really?!" Yoongi was shocked.

"What! No, He's not my boyfriend! He's my new friend!" Namjoon gulped.

"I don't believe you! Explain everything, Namjoon!" Yoongi said with killer eyes. Jin was just cooking.

Namjoon explained what Jin said to him before.

"Namjoon, are you drunk? Did you take drugs?" Yoongi asked.

"He's telling the truth, Mister scary!" It was Jin holding chopsticks, pointing towards Yoongi.

"Show me the mirror!" Yoongi told Namjoon then faced Jin, "Look Jin, my name is not Scary, but... If you're thinking about threatening me with those chopsticks, I can be really scary to you. Remember that! By the way, I'm Min Yoongi!" Jin could not say anything. Those chopsticks fell from his hand.

"How rude, Yoongi! You scared him. Don't be like that! Jin seems nice to me." Hoseok scolded Yoongi and went to Jin. "Sorry for his behavior. He is not that scary. It's just... He's very protective. When you become his friend, he'll do anything to protect you. Okay? Don't mind him!" Hoseok patted Jin's head and Jin smiled at him.

When he entered the room, he saw Yoongi, knocking on the mirror. He immediately grabbed Yoongi's shirt from behind and pulled him back. "Don't break it, Mr Rude. It's the only way I can return to my home." His eyes were teary.

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