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They went to Mr. Man. But Mr. Man didn't welcome them warmly. They didn't even expect that as they didn't treat him nicely in the past. But Mr. Man agreed to help them by leading them to Lee as he knew Lee and those boys became friends. So he opened the magic door. Namjoon and his friends were worried but excited. What if Lee and Mr. Man planned something against them? What if they couldn't reach Jin? What if they ended up dead? But they wanted to try, just for Jin.

So while passing the door they shut their eyes tight. When they opened their eyes, they couldn't believe what they were seeing. They had never seen such a beautiful place. It was like a place out of a movie. They were mesmerized. They were in a corner of a not-too-dense forest. The door, that they used, was on a stone wall. And the other side of the wall was a beautiful palace, like those Disney princess movies. Their mouth hung open.

"You stay here. I have to confirm first if Lee is here or not. Wait for me. Don't go anywhere. I'll be right back." Mr. man said and left. They saw him talking to a guard at the main gate and went in.They waited there for around fifteen minutes. Mr. Man came back with a smile, "Lee is here. He's excited to meet you. And his father is not here. He is at Mr. Kim's palace.""Mr. Kim's palace?! Do you mean Jin's house?! He lives in a palace like this?" Hoseok asked."Of course, he lives in a palace. He's a prince after all." Yoongi said bluntly."Jin lives in a much bigger palace than this. Their country is richer than Lee's." Mr. Man answered, "Now let's go. Lee's waiting for you."

They entered the palace through a long garden way, surrounded by flower trees, that they had never known. The palace was pained with soft sky blue and white colour. When they reached the main hall of the palace, they saw Lee sitting on a sofa in a corner. They understood that the corner of the big hall was designed for the guests. Lee welcomed them excitedly.

"How are you all?" He asked."We're good. How about you?" Yoongi said."How is Jin?" Namjoon asked. So much worry in his eyes.But after hearing Jin's name, Lee's smile fell. "Actually, we're in big trouble!" He said with a sigh."Why?! What happened? Is Jin okay? Did something happen to him?" Namjoon became more worried."No no, it's not that serious! Don't panic, Namjoon. He's okay... But first, tell me why are you here?" Lee asked."I don't know... I was worried about Jin these days. But today I felt like something very bad is happening or is going to happen. I felt desperate. So I requested them to come with me. Mr. Man has helped us. Now please tell me about Jin." Namjoon's eyes were glittering. "So, we're getting married, I mean Jin and me..." "What?! How could you?! Did you force him to agree? He can never do this to me. Tell me the truth, Lee!" Namjoon almost jumped towards Lee and grabbed his collar. Palace guards aimed their guns at Namjoon. Yoongi and Hoseok's faces got pale. They tried to free Le from Namjoon's grip. "Joon, stop! Let go of him! Stop!" Yoongi shouted to Namjoon. When Namjoon loosen his grip, Lee signalled his guards to back off. "We're sorry, Lee! He's not in his right mind. Please don't mind." Yoongi said.

Lee nodded while fixing his suit, "It's okay. I can understand... Namjoon, please calm down and listen." He said. Namjoon didn't seem to totally trust him, but he tried to calm himself.

Lee again started talking, "Neither Jin nor I agreed to this married on owe own. We are being forced. Our fathers are blackmailing us.""But you said that your father hates Jin's father! Then how?" Yoongi asked."Actually I can't understand him. Do you remember when Jin was in my house... Ah... I don't even want to how horrible I was to Jin... Ah! Anyways, I told you about my love for Jin. He thought it was a great opportunity to take revenge. Then I got to know about the misunderstanding about Kim uncle with Mr. Man. I told everything to my father after leaving Korea when Jin was in the hospital. He didn't react that much then. But a few days ago father told me that he sorted out the issue with Seokjin's father and they became friends again. I didn't pay attention to them. But suddenly he said that I'm going to marry Seokjin. I tried to stop him saying that I don't want to and that Seokjin loves someone else. Then he threatened me that if I don't marry Seokjin, my father will kill him. I know what my father can do. So I had to agree. He took me to Seokjin's house to fix the date...""You saw him! How is he doing?" Namjoon asked."I'm afraid that he is not doing well, Namjoon! He lost his charming glow. He got pale and lost weight too." Lee saw the worry on Namjoon and others' faces, "guys, I think you need to know the truth.""What truth?"

Lee sighed and told them everything he got to know about Jin.

"So, you're saying that Jin and Jungkook are step-brothers! And Jin's father doesn't love Jin because of his mother's death!? What the hell! You didn't Jin tell this to any of us? Jungkook also never tell us this!" Hoseok felt disappointed and sad."Actually, Jungkook didn't know. Only Jin knew. His father even beat him after he returned.""What?!""It's true. Jungkook called me and told me everything.""You have Jungkook's number! Then please call him, I want to hear Jin's voice. Please, Lee!" Namjoon finally pleaded."I can call him, but I don't think you will be able to connect Seokjin... Okay, wait!" Lee said and took his phone out of his pocket."Wow, it looks like our phones!" Hoseok was surprised."Haha, what did you think, it would be like those alien devices?! We're human too!" Lee laughed and Hoseok felt embarrassed.

Lee dialled Jungkook's number and after a few rings, he heard Jungkook's voice. He put the phone on speaker.

"Hello, Lee Hyung!?""Yes, Jungkook, how are you?""Not, good, Hyung!""What happened?""Father locked Jinie Hyung again in his room! The last time I saw Hyung, he was not feeling well. I think he has a fever. He didn't even eat anything since Yesterday. Maids are just passing his food and meds. But he didn't touch anything. I have requested my father so many times, but he is not allowing me or my mother to go to Hyung. What should I do? If this continues, we'll not be able to save him, Hyung!" They felt the sadness and helplessness in Jungkook's voice. Namjoon couldn't hold himself anymore."Hello, Jungkook, Namjoon here!" He took the phone from Lee and said."Joon Hyung?! Why are you here?! And How?!" Jungkook was shocked."Not only me, Hoseok and Yoongi are here too!" "No no, Hyung! You should go back! It's not safe here for you!""We're with Lee, Jungkook!""Then don't ever think about coming to our house, not even our country! I'm begging you, Please!" Jungkook was desperately trying to stop them."What's the actual matter, Jungkook. Speak up!" Yoongi said, almost shouting."Yoongi Hyung! Please stop Joon Hyung. My father will kill him for sure. He threatened Jinie Hyung that if he even try to escape or meet Joon Hyung, his father will kill Joon Hyung! Please stay away from my father!" Jungkook said and the call got disconnected.


Have you guys watched 'The Astronaut' MV? Oh my, the song is so beautiful. It's making me cry every time I'm listening to it. Hope, Jin can feel that we hove him too and we'll wait for him.

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