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They almost busted into the room Namjoon was in. But as they were about to go inside, a nurse stopped them and said that Namjoon was shifted to another room from the ICU as he was stable and improved a lot.

"Joon! You're back?!" Hoseok almost threw himself on Namjoon to hug him.

"Aaa!" Namjoon whimpered. Hoseok jumped and stood up. "I'm sorry, Joon! I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just too excited to see you again!" He felt guilty.

"No, Hobi! It didn't hurt that much. I'm happy to see you guys again!" Namjoon tried to sit up with a painful expression. Jungkook and Hoseok helped him to sit up.

"Where is Jin? He's with you, right? He didn't get hurt. Right?" Namjoon asked. "I tried but I couldn't help him. How can he rely on me for the rest of our life?" He held his head low.

"Don't feel guilty, Joon. You tried your best. You even risked your life to save him. He knows how much you love him." Yoongi tried to comfort his friend.

"But, that's not enough, Yoongi! I promised myself to take care of him. But, I'm not that strong to protect him." He paused to wipe his tears, "But where is he? Please tell me, Yoongi. Where is Jin?"

"He's not with us. Someone named Lee has him with me." Yoongi said softly.

"Let me tell the whole story first, Joon Hyung! We'll get Jinie Hyung back." Jungkook placed his hand on Namjoon's shoulder. He explained everything.

"So, you guys know where Jin is, but you're doing nothing!?" Namjoon said frustratedly.

"No Joon, we need some solid plan. Because they are way stronger than you thought." Hoseok said.

"And I have good news for you guys." Everyone looked at Yoongi when he said that. He continued, "I have Mr. Man's phone. Lee sent a message time times ago." He then showed the message to them.

"Where is Mr. Man?" Namjoon asked.

"In my house," Yoongi answered.

"Take me there. I have a plan. I will tell you on the way." Namjoon said.

"You can't go anywhere, Joon. You need time to heal." Hoseok said.

"I'll not heal until I can see Jin in front of me again. I can't forget his tearful and scared eyes when they took him away." Namjoon felt desparate.

"Joon, please try to understand. If you go there in this condition, it'll create more problems. Try to recover soon so you can go with us." Yoongi said.

Namjoon nodded, "did you reply to Lee's message?"

"No, I didn't!" Yoongi said.

Namjoon take the phone from Yoongi and typed the message,

Mr. Man

Lee, I'm in a situation where I can't receive any calls. You can tell me in the message.


Oh, Okay! So, Uncle, I wanted to say that I'm in love with Seokjin. At first, I just wanted to take revenge on Mr. Kim. But now I want to keep him with me.

Namjoon felt anger after reading the text. But he controlled that and sent a message again.

Mr. Man

Oh, so our Lee is in love! Congratulations! But what can I do in this?


You didn't know but I liked Seokjin before when We were kids. I'll tell you the story later. For now, I want to tell my father about Seokjin and want to take permission for our marriage. But I can't take Jin there. I can't leave him here alone too. I need your help.

Love From Far Away (NamJin)Where stories live. Discover now