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Namjoon, Jungkook and Yoongi were furious after seeing Jin's condition. They felt guilty too. So they were waiting for a chance to meet him. After breakfast, everyone in the house was busy with their work. The trio was trying their best to look professional. After some time when there was no one around, Jungkook, being fast, handed Jin a piece of paper.

Jin went to the tares to meet them after seeing the massage. Jungkook ran to Jin and hugged him tightly as soon as Jin came into his sight. Jin hugged him back with all his will. He didn't want to cry in front of them, but he had no control over his heart. Namjoon was standing there with guilty in his heart. Jin came toward him but stopped in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Jin for not saving you. I'm the reason you're in this situation. I don't want you to forgive me." Namjoon was going to say something else but Jin stopped him by hugging him. "Don't say that, Joonie! When I saw you getting stabbed, I felt my heart broken into pieces. It's all because of me. I'm the one to blame. But, Joonie, how are you now?" Jin asked, wiping his tears.

"He is okay now, Jin," Yoongi answered instead of Namjoon to cut the awkwardness.

"Yoogi, you guys shouldn't be here. Please leave as soon as possible. Lee... He's dangerous. He'll hurt you. Please leave." Jin took some steps back from them and said with pleading eyes.

"What do you think, Jin?! You're suffering here alone, and we're cowardly enough to leave you!? We're here to take you back home and we'll do that surely. You just do what w say. Okay?" Yoongi said farmly. Jin felt so loved. He had these many people who risked their lives to save him.

"Okay, Jinie Hyung, we should go back to our rooms. Staying here for long is not safe." Jungkook said, back hugging his Hyung.

They went back to their room. The trio updated Hoseok about everything. The day went well, but they didn't see Jin again. He was inside his room. The trio, with the help of Hoseok, decided to escape the house that night. They're afraid that Lee could return soon.

Jungkook slipped a paper with the message into Jin's room and knocked to make sure that Jin notice the paper.

The trio already survey the whole house and met Lee's men. So they know when and from what part they should escape. They had their men also. Hoseok was ready with more men.

The night came. Everyone had their lunch and went to their rooms. Guards were on duty. But after some time they fell asleep. Why? Well, Namjoon being smart, mixed sleeping drugs in their food. Where did he get that? Well, Yoongi managed t get some from somewhere before they came to Lee's house. But he didn't tell anyone where and how he get that. They managed to theft a door keycard from one of the staff.

Anyways, it was time. They packed their things and knocked on Jin's door. He was also ready. They carefully crossed the hallway and went near the front door. They were trying their best not to create any sound. Hoseok was waiting inside the car. He was with them on the phone call.

When Jin opened the door, his face paled and his eyes widened. Lee was standing with four armed guards on the other side of the door. He was aiming a gun toward Jin. They were doomed.

"You guys are smart, but not smarter than me..." Lee said to Namjoon and shift his focus to Jin, "Baby, shall we go inside the house..." He tried to grab Jin but Jungkook stepped in front of Jin with his gun aiming at Lee.

"Oh, our little Jungkook is so brave." Jungkook was shocked by Lee's words.

"Okay, let me explain first." Lee smirked, "I knew who are you from the first. I knew why did you guys come here!" He laughed loudly, mocking them.

Jin's body was shivering. Thinking of the near danger, he was seeing the darkness in front of him. His dear ones were in danger because of him. He just wanted to save them, even if it cost his life. "Lee, leave them alone. Let them go. You need me, right? I'm here, in front of you. If you let them go, I promise I'll do what you want. Please let them go!" Jungkook tighten his grip after hearing want Jin said. "No, Hyung! Don't do that! We all will be safe. Please!" He whispered.

"Oh, Baby! You don't have to promise me anything. I'll not let you go anyways! Ha ha! But they trespassed into my property, and tried to take my husband away! How can I let them go, honey?" Lee came closer to Jin. Before he lay his hand on Jin, Namjoon threw a punch at his face. But Lee laughed again. Whipping the blood on his lips. "My bad, Mr. Namjoon... No no... Joonie... Ha ha... Cute nickname! I should kill you first! You're the man, for whom my Seokjin doesn't want to be mine." He signalled his men to grab Namjoon and Yoongi. Before they could do anything, Yoongi shot at them. Namjoon shot too. But the bullet almost missed the target. The two knocked down two men. But to their surprise, more men were coming. With Yoongi's signal, Jungkook held Jin tightly and ran towards the other exit of the house. But they knew they could not escape from there without Hoseok's help. So they decided to hide.

"Namjoon, keep Jin with you and hide from them! I and Kook will tackle them. Please be safe okay? Don't use the gun if it's not necessary. And call Hoseok to go to the other exit to help us." Yoongi said.

"Don't go, please! He'll kill you!" Jin said, clinging to Jungkook's arm.

"Don't worry Hyung. You know that I'm a fighter and can handle the gun well. And now after watching Yoongi Hyung shoot, I have faith in his skill. Be safe, Okay? We'll be back soon." Jungkook said and with Yoongi, he left the hiding place.

"Joonie, I'm sorry!" Jin sobbed, hugging the other tightly.

"Don't be, Jinie! You didn't do anything!"

"That's the thing! I didn't do anything to protect myself or you guys. I'm so pathetic!" Jin sobbed more.

"Jinie, stop crying! We'll be safe! Just wait. I'm calling Hobi!" Namjoon said while stocking Jin's hair. They could hear constant gun-shoot from outside. Jin flinched. He was praying to God for others' safety. Passing one second was like an eternity for him.

"Hello, Hobi!.. No, he knew everything!... Yes, Jin is with me. Yoongi and Jungkook are fighting with them... Come to the other exit!.. Yes! Fast, Hobi!" Namjoon cut the call. "They're coming, Jinie!"

They heard some footsteps, nearing them. Namjoon handed a knife to Jin that he found in the room. He aimed the gun at the door and hide properly. Two men came inside. He was not sure if they were on their side or Lee's.

"I think they're not here." One of the men said. "We have to find Mr. Seokjin fast, otherwise the boss will kill us!" the other said. They're about to leave the room when they notice a small part of a shadow on the wall. They carefully went near the shadow. But before they could do anything, Namjoon dragged one of them down and punched furiously. Jin, on the other hand, attacked the other man with the knife. He stabbed the man in his hand and leg. He didn't want to kill someone. Namjoon and Jin grabbed the guns from those two men and tried to leave the room. But more men were coming to them.


Please ignore my dull writing skill. I'm trying my best. But I'm not that good in English. So....  

Anyways, Purple You!

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