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Heartbreak is something that not even music can heal,

Something that can't be seen, but felt.

Ever song I listen to, I cry even more.

It's either I have no emotion, or I can't stop crying.

The tears come flooding out like a rushing river.

I didn't know it would hurt so bad.

I miss him.

I need him.

I love him.

But we hurt each other.

It's problaby best if I stay away.

I promise that I will make a steel cage around my heart.

Never to love again,

Never to trust again,

Never to feel again,

Throw away the key and never let the cage open.

I still love him.

I still want him.

I still need him.

But is it the same for him?

"I'm sorry I always break things, I don't mean to." -U.G.L.Y_is_me

I act like I'm okay.

Part of me is saying 'You need him.'

And a part is saying 'Fuck him.'

Every song is saying either of those two.

Maybe it was my fault.

It probably was.

It was.

They said that I broke him.

He was supposed to put all my pieces back together,

But instead, I broke him.

It's either I hurt him,

Or all this doesn't affect him.

I don't know.

But what I do know is I miss him.

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