I Know, No Need To Remind Me

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It gets better, I think....
I don't really know anymore.
I lost my closest friends,
because I didn't break up with him.
They'll believe anything,
That they're told.
I don't know anything anymore.
What is darkness?
What is light?
I just want a way out.
No one knows the really me.
I can't deal with this pain anymore.
I know I'm worthless.
I know I don't amount to anything.
But why can't I ever be happy?
I know I'm ugly.
I know I'm fat.
I know I'm stupid.
Why can't it all stop?
I make friends...
Then lose them.
I just want to open up my veins.
I want the blood to come pouring out.
Just a little relief.
For just a little bit.
But at least it's some.
And not none.

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